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July 22, 2016

Ben Crane

Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Q. How pleased are you with the way you played today?
BEN CRANE: Very pleased. It's a tough golf course, especially in the afternoon. You know the wind is going to blow. You know the greens are going to be firm. If you get out of the fairway -- even in the fairway, you're going to have a tough time putting the ball on the green.

So it's a lot of position golf, where you're going to be chipping from, a lot of up-and-downs that you're going to have to capitalize on. So very pleased with just anything under par this afternoon is a good score.

Q. These weather conditions, blowing a little harder than anybody everybody expected has made it pretty tough these two days?
BEN CRANE: It has. I felt like Dustin Johnson there the last hole on the last tee, probably bounced a hundred yards. So you run a lot of balls through fairways and it's very different golf. It's fun. You never get to see courses like this, so it's fun to see this setup.

The rules staff has done a great job with the locations, because there's just some locations that are just unaccessible. It's nice they are aware of this and so they are allowing us to run some balls up on greens and stuff. It's a fun course to play right now.

Q. A smile on your face; how happy are you feeling at 5-under heading into the weekend?
BEN CRANE: I'm in position to have a great week and make a run at this thing. This is a fantastic event and just excited to be playing well. I feel like my game is coming into good form. Yeah, excited to have a good weekend.

Q. It's a couple years since the last PGA TOUR victory; how much has the game come around with the mentality of getting ready to win again?
BEN CRANE: Yeah, very different years. The year I won in Memphis a couple years ago, I played very poorly most of the year, and then was able to capitalize and get a win there at St. Jude.

This year has been a lot of consistent play. I really haven't broken through and have a big week and haven't won the last couple years. Excited about the consistency of my game and need to keep doing these things. You know how golf is: You don't have to make it happen; it just happens.

Q. Looks like a pretty clean scorecard, particularly on that back nine. Just talk about your round a little bit for us.
BEN CRANE: Yeah, I played solid all day. A course like this that's this firm and this fast, you know you're going to have to do a lot of getting up-and-down. A lot of tricky lies, where you're going to land the ball on the green, probably hit a quality shot and run through the green about three or four feet.

So you're going to get some of those lies that are kind of into the grain, matted down a little bit, and just you've really got to know your way around those little lies. I was able to hit those shots cleanly today and put myself in position when I did hit the fairway.

This tests so much of your game, having a course setup like this. Just played extremely well. Putted well and I hit the ball solidly and was able to get under par. Anything under par in an afternoon like this where it's firm and fast and the wind is blowing, is a great round.

Q. You're a guy that likes to have a bit of fun. What sort of stuff have you been doing in Canada while you're here?
BEN CRANE: We found this place called Brew, and it's this great restaurant. Got great little microbrews and just great food. Anything down on the water here, really a beautiful city.

What's amazing about this town that I absolutely love is that they really know golf. They know that even if, on the first hole, straight downwind and if you land a shot four paces on the green and it runs just through, they clap. They know that's a good shot. They know you really can't do too much better than that. It's very fun to interact with the fans around here. Their knowledge is extremely high, so it's fun to be here and to play well.

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