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July 1, 2016
London, England
F. LOPEZ/F. Fognini
3‑6, 6‑7, 6‑3, 6‑3, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How do you think the match turned around? What was the main turning point?
FABIO FOGNINI: Yeah, I was trying to explain that there is two different part of the match. The first one is that I play really good the first ‑‑I mean, they were matches, if we can say they were matches. I'm mad because of course I lost so I'm not happy. But, you know, it's 6‑3, 7‑6. We stop when I was break down on the third.
I mean, I was in the locker room, okay, happy but at the same time I was saying to my coach and my physio that I would like to continue the match because I was feeling really good inside the court when I was playing backhand, forehand, return, whatever.
So I was a bit unlucky, you know, but five days in a row to finish the second round was something crazy. But, you know, the same time I'm happy because I think I played another time or a great level of tennis. This is what I ‑‑I go home with that.
Q. Feli was a bit upset with your coach and told us that he told him something. Is that the first time you have ever been in a situation where your opponent...
FABIO FOGNINI: No comment.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports