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July 1, 2016
London, England
T. BERDYCH/B. Becker
6‑4, 6‑1, 6‑2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. You must be pleased to have got that done before the rain came.
TOMAS BERDYCH: Yes, I am, definitely. But, you know, I think it's fair. You know, in the first round I was basically not ‑‑I was about to finish a couple of points, you know, and then get rain delay overnight. Came next day, and he's obviously better at the start. You know, he starts really sharp. So that one was, I would say, unlucky. This one I was lucky.
That's how it is. One day it's like that. The other one is the other way.
Q. How did you feel you played?
TOMAS BERDYCH: I think it was very good today. I was very controlling the game from almost the first points of the match and then able to dictate the game. Played the way that I want to. So really there was a lot of positives from today.
Q. When you have a tournament like this where the rounds are played different days and things like that, at what stage do you start thinking now I'm really into the tournament? Is it always the second week when you start thinking of bigger things, or are you just trying to get to that point?
TOMAS BERDYCH: No, I always just try to get to that point and go really one by one, because with this, it's very difficult. I mean, I was here, for example, 8:30 this morning. I was the first one here, and now, you know, it's 5:30 and I'm just done with the match and possibly I might play tomorrow.
So it's really extremely tough in these conditions and that's how it is. So really there is no sense of looking ahead too far or anything like that, you know. There will be another opponent which might be very tough, very difficult. That's all I need to be focused on.
Q. And can you tell me a little bit about Zverev and Youzhny, your record against them?
TOMAS BERDYCH: Oh, yeah. Both are very tough opponents to me. I mean, with Sascha I was playing some good battles. I mean, all of them went on the good side for me, but obviously he's a young kid and he's improving week by week.
So it's not going to be easy at all. I mean, the fact that he's playing one of the first years on the grass, I mean, he's very talented and well experienced to know how to deal with that. So that's going be a big one.
And then with Youzhny, I mean, all those years that he's been on the tour, you know, he's a very tough competitor, as well. And especially he likes to be on the grass. You know, he likes to stay very close to the line, playing very fast and can make your life on the court very difficult, as well.
But anyway, I mean, for me the same approach. Just being ready, being focused, being able to stick with my plan, dictate the game. That's gonna work.
Q. When we have those rainy days and you either have to wait to come to the court or your match gets interrupted, do you have any ways to get your focus in the locker room or not?
TOMAS BERDYCH: Oh, no. Just trying to find some quiet place, which is a big challenge in these conditions. But, no, I have to say that it's very good here. So you can really find your spot and that's it. You know, just try to relax, especially rise the mental part, as well, because it can be very long and quite difficult to keep your focus.
That's something what people doesn't see. You know, they just come and see when you step on the court. So they probably have had some good time, you know, being here with the friends. That's something different, which is like back side of the tennis.
But yeah. Also, the experience helps in these situations a lot.
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