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July 2, 2016
London, England
E. MAKAROVA/P. Kvitova
7‑5, 7‑6
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How tough was all the off and on over the past week, all the waiting? You were the last second‑round match to finish. A lot of time.
PETRA KVITOVA: Yes, it's very weird, I have to say definitely. I felt like I stuck in the second round for a while.
Yeah, I think that the tournament was really, like, weird for me this time. I couldn't really describe how. But I was waiting all day long almost every day to be scheduled on, and didn't really have a chance to finish or step on the court. So it was really weird.
I think it's when you still like waiting and your nerves are still going, it's always a little bit difficult with energy and everything. You just have to focus all day, which then maybe when you step on the court, you don't really have the energy afterwards.
Q. How would you rate how you played today? She seemed to play very, very well. I don't know whether you thought you played well or if you thought you didn't.
PETRA KVITOVA: Definitely I played better than yesterday. There's no doubt about. I think that the short balls just killed me today, unfortunately. I missed them a lot. That was probably the key of the match, of the second set. I believed that I could turn it around if I win the second set, but unfortunately I didn't.
I just think that in the important points, she didn't really miss, and I felt that I have to really go for it, which I tried to do it. Unfortunately sometimes it didn't happen.
I think even my serve today was really helpful. I think just played solid match, but that was same from her side. It was just about one or two points today.
Q. With still being the last second‑round match to go, was it frustrating not being earlier on the schedule? You had to wait even today.
PETRA KVITOVA: That I was early on the schedule?
Q. Today you had to wait for Kerber. Was it frustrating having to wait for a third‑round match to finish when you're in the second round?
PETRA KVITOVA: I didn't really think like that. I was scheduled second. Their match was interrupt twice, which always it's kind of difficult for me, too. And our as well. It was just weird.
But it's weird when you're sitting in the locker room and sometime finish the third round, as Carla Suarez Navarro, and I was still waiting for my second. We was just making laugh of it. What we can do, right, in the locker room?
It is how it is. I wish I should be scheduled a little bit better, but it's the past now.
Q. What do you do in those rain delays? How do you spend the time?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, the first one was very quick, so I just sit for a while, and almost going on the court again.
In the second, I just had the team around and I was waiting in the Court 2, just lying down, have my iPod on. That's what I can do, nothing.
Q. With the first six months of the season done now, transitioning to hard courts, can you talk about the first half of the season for you, what your feeling is about it.
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, I think in last couple of months happen lot of things in my life. Yeah, it's a lot of changes. I just think that I need the time to just used to everything, how it is.
I made a decisions which I'm still believe was right, so that's how it is. Of course, the challenge with that, it's still up and down, but the ups are not as great as it was maybe last year or the years before. But I still hope that the ups will come soon.
I'm still, you know, working hard and still believe that everything can just turn around. I just really need to be more confident on the court. That's happen what happen.
I'm not finishing with the tennis so far. I feel still young and I still want to play good and be in the top again. So I still have motivation to do well. I will do just what I can.
Q. Do you feel like you just need some time to feel settled maybe?
PETRA KVITOVA: I do, yeah, definitely. I've been with David for seven years. So something new with Franta now. It just definitely time. I don't think that everyone can show you the result through, I don't know, two months. Just needed time to everything set up.
We'll see now. The main goal is Olympics. That's my motivation right now.
Q. Are you going to play between now and the Olympics?
PETRA KVITOVA: I do play Montréal.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports