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July 4, 2016

Agnieszka Radwanska

London, England

D. CIBULKOVA/A. Radwanska
6‑3, 5‑7, 9‑7

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. After three hours, what are your thoughts after that match?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think was a great match, better and better. I think every set was better than the other one. Of course, I had a chance with match point. I think it's always even. One match I won like this and one I lost.

Q. Your matches against her might be one of the best rivalries on the WTA. What do you think it is about your two styles that seem to match up and make such good tennis?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think we both pretty consistent and solid from the back. I think that makes our matches always pretty tough, long and tight.
I guess on every surface it's like that.

Q. How disappointing is it to come out of a match like that as the loser, the opportunity lost here?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: It's always disappointing, especially after three hours when you really exhausted and angry that, you know, could end up either way.
But, well, what can you do?

Q. This is arguably one of the best matches we've seen all year in tennis. Is there any solace at all in the fact that it was such a great match and you put it all out there?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think for me, it doesn't really matter right now. Of course, it's always better to play great match than the crappy one.
Anyway, the result is the same. I'm here as a loser, so what can I do?

Q. You've had a couple matches that have gone in a long final set. Other matches at Wimbledon this year as well. Do you think it might be time to think about final‑set tiebreaks here?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think so, yes. Especially grass, it's a really tough surface to play on. We can see quite a really long matches, especially in the men's tour.
I don't know what the guys think, but I don't mind to play a tiebreak in the third set as everywhere else, yeah.

Q. What did you think of the time violation for Cibulkova in the final game? Did you think it was fair or unfair?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think so. It's under the judge. I guess she was taking more than 20 seconds. So, yes. I just was asking. I wasn't sure if she was going to lose a point. But that's how it works on WTA, and ITFs I didn't know that.

Q. What was the difference today for you? Why do you think the match turned against you?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think it's one point to be the other way. It's just one point. It's just tough to say right now what went wrong. I think you can talk more when you lose 6‑1, 6‑1, because then probably everything went wrong.
Right now, after this kind of match, it's just one or two points.

Q. Is there a point that stands out to you?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think every game matters and every point matters in that kind of match. Of course, I had some opportunities, I was coming back, everything was back and forth. There were a lot of breaks, as well.
Well, I don't think there was one particular moment. But, of course, the match point is always the biggest opportunity. But, well, I didn't made it.

Q. Wimbledon had announced they were going to do some extra anti‑doping at this tournament. Have you experienced any more testing than usual and what do you think of that effort?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Actually my lady is somewhere here waiting for me. There she is.

Q. Nothing before?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: No, I didn't really notice anything different.

Q. What are you planning on having your schedule be for the summer and Olympics?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, it's pretty tricky right now with the Olympics. I don't want to play too much, but it's good to play those big ones, as well.
You know, it's difficult decision. But I think also we'll see how it's going to be on the way there. I think I'm just going to think about that right now after I'm done here, and we'll see.

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