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June 21, 2016
Eastbourne, England
6-4, 7-6
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. You had to work pretty hard for that, didn't you?
PETRA KVITOVA: Yeah, I had to. It wasn't really easy today. I know that Timea is playing well on the grass when she's serving and playing aggressive from the baseline. And she played one match already here, which sometimes it's kind of helpful.
I didn't really practice when I finished in Birmingham, so I was kind of glad that I was able to handle it how I did today.
Q. Were you expecting the play to be that sharp straight off the bat?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, definitely she was serving really well. I think that she was kind of using the variety of the serve, as well, so it was tough to read the serve.
I was able to break her twice, but unfortunately I lost my serve in the beginning of the second set. On the other hand it was really difficult and close match. I think that we were all kind of -- every game was so close. And it was just -- in the end of the set it was really difficult.
Q. How is the thigh. Still strapped up?
PETRA KVITOVA: Yeah, it's strapped up but getting better. Just protected. It's better but it's not great.
Q. How is your confidence at the moment?
PETRA KVITOVA: The confidence? I think that I'm kind of feeling that I am playing well, even though I kind of lost some of the matches in a couple of months. But I think it's pretty good.
The main thing is to stay healthy, for sure. Otherwise I feel good. I think that the mental side should be a little bit, you know, stronger.
Q. How can you work on that, as well?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, I do work with my mental coach. I think it's getting better, as well. But you never really know. Kind of these matches, it's difficult, always under the pressure and the players are playing without any expectation or anything.
So, yeah, just going for it. Sometimes it's difficult to stay still, very focused on every kind of point.
Q. It's been a difficult couple of weeks especially with the weather. How much influence does that have on your mental state?
PETRA KVITOVA: I think I'm kind of lucky because I'm not a person who really has to practice every day like three hours. So when I didn't play yesterday I was not thinking about it. I just know that it's there, like when you were training before you can't really forget.
Sometimes, especially on the grass, but when it's so different it's just with the practices you are getting more confident and confident. I played in Birmingham, which was great that I was able to play on the grass already. The weather is not really nice for us, but I hope the next two, three weeks will be better.
Q. You were practicing quite a bit on indoor hard court when you were home, which is, I assume what you've grown up on. It's fast, it skids, it's low. But when you move from that to grass, what's the biggest difference for you?
PETRA KVITOVA: I think still grass. It's a little bit faster than I practiced now. It was like bouncing lower than the hard courts, so this was -- that's the biggest difference. I think the movement it's kind of similar because you can't slide or anything.
But like on the grass I felt like sometimes you are so just low and you can't just push up. It's so stable down there.
But it was fine. I had like two, three practices and I was okay, the grass.
Q. You don't know who you will be playing next tomorrow, but if it would be Johanna Konta, what would you expect from her? What kind of challenge?
PETRA KVITOVA: I remember I played her in US Open last year, and it was difficult match. Something I played today, very similar. I know how she's playing well now.
I don't know really how she likes playing well on the grass, so I think that my coach will find out soon. (Smiling.)
I know that she's a real difficult person, and she's a really nice person, as well. It will be I think good match for people, as well.
Q. It could be difficult with home support for her if it was to be her?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, yeah. I hope that I will be able to find some fans who will support me, as well. But, yeah, I think 90% for her, for sure. It's probably going to be like Fed Cup, which is okay. If I'm playing home, it's same. Unfortunately we don't have a grass home, but doesn't matter. (Smiling.)
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
