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June 16, 2016

Kevin Na

Oakmont, Pennsylvania

Q. Just a couple quick questions about -- I know you didn't get much time out there on the course today.
KEVIN NA: I had four holes to go.

Q. How did it feel for you?
KEVIN NA: Of course, it's tough obviously. I have nothing to say, to be honest. I played all right.

Q. How much of a distraction was the weather for you?
KEVIN NA: Well, I'm used to it. There's a delay every event, I think. It's not much of a distraction. Just a pain in the ass to wake up early the next day. That's the only thing.

Q. Feel like you'll be ready to go in the morning?
KEVIN NA: I think so. Just wake up a little early, earlier than today. Hopefully, the weather is better.

Q. Any particular holes that gave you more of a challenge than others?
KEVIN NA: Not really. I just didn't play well a couple of holes. Overall, I think it was playing pretty fair, just soft greens.

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