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June 12, 2016

Steve Stricker

Memphis, Tennessee

Q. All right, Steve. You haven't been to Memphis in like a decade. What a week you had. It has to be very memorable.
STEVE STRICKER: It was a lot of fun. Bottom line, it was like old times out there playing well and playing with Phil in the last day and we had a good time playing and I played some solid golf today. I wish I could have got a couple putts to go on the front-9. I had some opportunities. Daniel Berger, he was going to be tough to catch posting 13-under. All in all, a good week for me.

Q. Saw you looking at the scoreboard. He never faltered. You and Phil were playing well.
STEVE STRICKER: He turned it on. I don't know where he made the birdies at 11, 12, 13, 14 somewhere in there all of a sudden he's 13-under. So, it was a fight for 2nd there for awhile it seemed like but happy the way I played and excited about what I did this week.

Q. Steve, we don't see you very, very often. Your game is still real, really good. How excited are you? When are we going to see next?
STEVE STRICKER: Thank you, Doug. Looks like Greenbrier, probably. Got the Champions Tour event coming the week after the U.S. Open up in Madison. I'll be busy with that.

I'll go to Greenbrier. Kids and Nicki love going there, it's a good spot. But it was fun. That was what I expect out of myself. I don't play a lot but I still expect to come out and play well and it's fun when I do play like that and so I'm excited to keep playing.

Q. Daniel too good?
STEVE STRICKER: There was a time it looked like it was going to get close, he was 10-under, I don't know through the turn or 10 holes or something like that or 11 holes, whatever, but he must have made some birdies there at 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, somewhere in there, but he kind of ran away with it there at the end.

But it was fun, fun to get in the mix and play well again and it was a lot of fun.

Q. How challenging with the course changing its identity briefly for you?
STEVE STRICKER: All of a sudden there's some different tee balls, you had to hit some different clubs off the tees, you know, the ball wasn't rolling out as much.

The greens were holding a little bit more than what they had been and so you had to adjust a little bit and even the grain on the greens was a little more pronounced because it was wet.

A little adjusting but still the course was in great shape and the fans out here stuck it out all the way to the end so it was pretty cool to see, too.

Q. As a veteran and a Tour fan, when you look at Phil going to Oakmont next week, what are your thoughts on his game at the moment?
STEVE STRICKER: I always root for Phil. Friend of mine. I always enjoy playing with him. We had a great time out there again today. It's a comfortable pairing for me. I enjoyed it.

I hope he gets it and wins an Open. He played well. He's putting great. He's made -- he made a lot of nice putts today and drove the ball okay, I thought, but I was impressed with the way he putted it.

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