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June 9, 2016

Se Ri Pak

Sammamish, Washington

SE RI PAK: I'm very proud of her. I was kind of thinking about besides of the U.S., any country has a two Hall of Famer in the same country, right? I mean, I don't know if that's possible. The next I don't know how many is going to be doing that, but it just really part of it. I just so happy to see. I very proud of what Inbee does. That reminds me 11 years ago this time they had officially announced I'm the Hall of Fame for the LPGA.

Probably I know she has so much on her mind, herself, playing golf. It's amazing to see that.

Q. She might not be doing this if you hadn't done what you did. Inspired so many like her?
SE RI PAK: Well, I think I actually a part of it, I guess. But even though, I mean, I really just want to just follow her step-by-step. She's a Hall of Fame. It's really not easy to do like making Hall of Fame, all the points, winning.

Q. Very difficult?
SE RI PAK: Right. But she done it. So I said I'm so happy for her to see this happening. Hopefully to continue to build not only my country, continue to have another player from the Hall of Fame or two.

Q. As you said, to have more than one Famer from Korea is a very big deal?
SE RI PAK: It is amazing, yes.

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