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June 9, 2016

Retief Goosen

Memphis, Tennessee

Q. Solid 3-under, 67. Just talk about the day.
RETIEF GOOSEN: Yeah. You know, after three week layoff, the swing felt a little bit rusty coming in. I'm feeling a bit stiff so very happy with the start. This golf course I like and, you know, today I kept it in play and didn't make that many putts but I made a few good par saves, yeah.

Q. You know, you talked to us leading up to this about the patience out here that's required to do well. Did you feel like you played the course like you needed to?
RETIEF GOOSEN: Yeah. I kept the ball in play. I was a little bit out of position on a couple of holes but otherwise the course is as good as I've seen it out here and the rough is really tricky and the greens are running -- they're getting quicker and quicker. The course is going to play tougher as we go on.

Q. Let's talk about today. I thought a solid day for you. You have to be very pleased with that.
RETIEF GOOSEN: Yeah. I was pretty consistent, one bogey and four birdies. After a three week layoff my swing felt a little out of sync but I managed to keep it in the fairways.

The rough this week is as thick as we've seen it around this course and coming out of the rough you can't stop it on these small greens.

Q. I walked with you a lot this year. I thought you played very, very well. Even though you've had a little layoff here, have you been pleased with the year on the whole?
RETIEF GOOSEN: Yeah. You know, I've had a few events that I was up there playing well, just didn't finish it well enough to have a really good finish. TPC was disappointing. I missed a few 6-footers coming in and otherwise yeah, the game has been a little bit better but hopefully this week and next week will pick up.

Q. This is your time of year, isn't it, when it gets hot, June? Don't you kind of like it?
RETIEF GOOSEN: Yeah. Yeah. My stiff body, I prefer the heat. So, the warmer the better.

Q. Good playing today. Keep it going.

Q. Goose, first time back in three weeks. Give us your assessment of Round 1.
RETIEF GOOSEN: Yeah, it was good. Nice to get off to a good start. You know, the first few holes on the back-9 is not easy and made a good birdie early on and from then just settled in.

I had a lot of birdie chances. I need to work on my putting a little bit this afternoon and get that dialed in and hopefully get on a better roll.

Q. Speaking of your putting, greens look like they're rolling very smoothly. How is the course playing?
RETIEF GOOSEN: The course is as good as I've seen it, especially the rough. Generally there's not much rough and this year we have rough. Hitting fairways this year is a premium and in the past you could miss a few fairways and get away with it but you get punished this time.

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