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May 27, 2016

Agnieszka Radwanska

Paris, France

A. RADWANSKA/B. Strycova

6-2, 6-7, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.

Q. Congratulations.

Q. You were comfortably leading 6-2, 2-Love. You've probably gone through this a few times in your head. Can you just explain what happened from 3-Love in the second?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, actually was just one break, so not much, especially in our match. But, well, I think she started to play much better. I think she had nothing to lose in that point. Hitting the ball so well.

Maybe I wasn't aggressive enough from that point, but, still, she played so much better. Of course I had some points, especially the one break point for 4-2. When you're not taking your chances, especially in the key moments, end up like that, I guess.

Well, I'm just very happy that I come back in that third set and win that match.

Q. How physical was the match? A lot of court coverage from both of you. Physically was it a pretty tough match?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes, of course. Well, I expect that. I knew she's a very solid player. She has very good hands, very good touch. She's not the player hitting the ball as strong as possible.

I knew it's going to be a lot of running, rallies, and, you know, I expect that. Of course that was really tough one.

Q. You have a 4-0 head-to-head record on her. Does it get tougher each time when you come up against such players when you have such a good record?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I don't think that makes a big different, especially that you don't play someone for a long time. I think she has really good season. She's playing really good tennis.

I don't think matters what happened few years on different surface in different country, summer, I can't even remember. So I think every match is new story, especially when you play someone on your level. Anything can happen.

Q. I don't know if you know, but you play Pironkova in the next round. Any thoughts on her?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, we played so many times, but I think the last one was also quite ago.

Well, against her it's always a good challenge. She's really tricky opponent. You know, I expect a tough one as well. Well, we'll see.

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