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June 1, 2016

Kiki Bertens

Paris, France


7-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Thank you for being so fast. Were you at all worried after a couple of days waiting in the rain that this hot streak of yours might cool off?
KIKI BERTENS: Well, I think for me it was pretty good to have two days off because of the rain, I think especially the first day. My body was pretty sore from playing all those days.

Yesterday I was totally ready to play, but, yeah, today I felt really good again. From the beginning I was feeling the balls pretty well.

Q. Are you aware of the history of the winners of Nuremberg? Halep won there, went very far here. Bouchard did, as well.
KIKI BERTENS: Yeah, well, maybe there is something in the food there. I have no idea (smiling).

Yeah, I felt good there that week. I'm coming here with a lot of confidence. Yeah, I'm still playing here. Yeah, it's just amazing for me.

Q. I know you're completely into your match, but can you tell me about playing on that particular court? It's an amazing court in that everything feels so close. Does it feel any more special in any way, that court?
KIKI BERTENS: Well, I really like that court. It was a great atmosphere I think today, still a lot of Dutch people so I really like it. Everyone is so close at the court.

Last year I played there, as well, and then I lost so I didn't have great memories about it. I think today it was unbelievable. Yeah.

Q. Obviously your opponent plays very fast. Was it good for your game that you could play with her pace?
KIKI BERTENS: Well, I think it's pretty difficult for me if someone is playing really fast. Like every time I was playing the second serve she was really attacking it.

So I had to be ready for each ball, and I think I did it pretty well today.

Q. How do you account for the way you're playing so well now and it's coming together for you, as you expected, I'm sure?
KIKI BERTENS: Yeah, well, I have no idea. I'm just doing it every day, doing every day, I'm going to try to do my own thing.

Yeah, it's just keep on going, keep on going, so I don't want to think about it too much. I'm just really enjoying it at the moment, and, yeah, hopefully it goes on tomorrow again.

Q. You seem to have no difficulty hitting through the court. Heavy conditions. How different is it playing in weather like that compared to, you know, a day where the clouds are quite high?
KIKI BERTENS: Yeah, it's really different. I think I feel it already a little bit in my shoulder. The balls are much heavier than the other days. I think also like my ball is not so much doing like as when the sun is out, but I think still I did a pretty good job today.

Q. Do you think that the conditions in Nuremberg were almost the same and they helped you for the preparation for the bad weather?
KIKI BERTENS: Well, I think in Nuremberg we had everything. We had sun, we had rain, we had like 6 degrees, we had 20 degrees. It was like every day was different.

So you have to make the best out of every day, and that was really a lesson from there. I'm just taking it here with me. So every day is new day. We're gonna try and give everything. Then we will see how it goes.

Q. You beat the Williams sisters in doubles. Just wondering what that was like. That's obviously a pretty good team.
KIKI BERTENS: Yeah, it was. It was also like really fun to play doubles against them. Yeah, it's wonderful.

I think we played a really good match, and hopefully we're gonna have a lot of fun again this afternoon in doubles and we can play good again.

Q. And you play Bacsinszky next in singles.

Q. What are your thoughts about that? I don't know your history with her at all.
KIKI BERTENS: Well, I lost against her. No, I think I played her in US Open. Then I won first set and I had to retire because I was ill, but, yeah, you never know. She's a great player. I think last two years she did so well, great on the clay, as well.

Yeah, just gonna enjoy today and then prepare I think for tomorrow again.

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