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June 1, 2016

Tyronn Lue

Oakland, California: Practice Day

Q. Good afternoon, Coach. I would like to know from you what you have been hearing from the players to have to go against a well-liked player like Anderson Varejao in these Finals?
COACH LUE: Well, Andy's a big part of our organization. He had the longest tenure there for a while, and he was a big part of what we've done over the last couple years, so it was hard losing Andy. And everyone on our side has a great deal of respect for Andy. And just for him to get back to The Finals again with a different team is going to be different for everyone. But like I said, our guys still have a great relationship with Andy and we still respect him a lot.

Q. Along those lines, any concerns that Andy Varejao has some privileged corporate knowledge that could cause you problems in this series as a double agent?
COACH LUE: Yeah, I'm pretty sure he has some things that he knows that we do well that we can try to take away. He's a smart player. He's a cerebral player, so he knows what hurts our team, but we're a different team now than we were then. So hopefully he doesn't know too much.

Q. How does your system better equip your team to deal with the Warriors' small lineup as opposed to last year's Finals?
COACH LUE: Well, we have more players now. I think having Kevin and Kyrie healthy, with those two guys hurt last year and injured, it just shortened our rotation and made our bench players starters and our rotation wasn't as deep. So I think now we have a chance to put LeBron to four a little bit more, and put LeBron to five if we need to. So we have a lot of players now that we can do some different things and make some adjustments if need be.

Q. You kind of mentioned a little bit there, you talk about LeBron at the four or five. But I was going to ask you about Kevin. There is talk outside of this building or this series that this could be a really difficult Finals for Kevin with the match-up with Draymond. I'm just wondering what you expect from Kevin heading into all this?
COACH LUE: I'm expecting Kevin to play well. Like he's been doing all postseason. Draymond is a great defender. He plays hard. He plays tough. But like I've always said, Kevin is one of the top ten players in this league. He's scored on a lot of different people before. It's not going to be any different. We're going to post the basketball, we want Kevin to be aggressive, looking to attack, looking to score. Our game plan doesn't change.

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