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May 24, 2016
Mamaroneck, New York
Q. Otto, let's start with you first. Playing in your first USGA championship, and you guys are through to the semifinals. Did you ever expect that would happen?
OTTO BLACK: I did, yeah. I felt like we paired well for this tournament, and if we play our "A" game, there's no question we can get this far. I'm not surprised, but I'm also glad that we've made it this far.
Q. How about you, Colin, playing in your first USGA event?
COLIN JOSEPH: Well, Winged Foot is pretty special. It's a cool place, and you get to do some cool stuff, and FOX Sports is here and all that. But yeah, I mean, Otto is playing extremely well, and trying to chip in when I can, but all in all, I think we make a really good team.
Q. Today you guys had to play some seasoned veterans, both teams, to get by them. What kind of confidence do you have to get past both of those teams?
COLIN JOSEPH: Yeah, I mean, our first match was -- they're obviously great players, and same with these guys. You know, any time you make it this far in an event, you know you're playing well.
Q. How about you, Otto, getting by two veteran teams like that?
OTTO BLACK: It was good. You know, I think we just -- we always kept ourselves in it. I think we were never worse than 1-down, which is big in match play. Yeah, I think we just gave ourselves a lot of opportunities, and at the end coming down the stretch, that's what gives us that breakthrough.
Q. How did you birdie the par-5, 12th?
OTTO BLACK: Just hit it right up to that little gap in the front, then just kind of chipped a little wedge and made about an eight-, ten-footer for birdie.
COLIN JOSEPH: Yeah, hit a great shot in. He was able to get in for par, so I was able to be a little aggressive with it. Again, I think it was nice the times he made par so I was able to put a little more aggressive lines into it. It kind of paid out in the end.
Q. Talk about 16.
OTTO BLACK: Yeah, 16, birdied it both times today, which was nice. But made about a 20-footer, which is big. I think 15 and 16 in match play are big holes because it really puts pressure on the other team, those last two holes to make them do something.
Q. Then on 18 you hit a good approach out of the rough, which probably put a little bit of pressure on them.
OTTO BLACK: Yeah, I think so. I mean, I made a quick swing off the tee, but I had a really good number.
Q. How far did you have?
OTTO BLACK: I had 125, which is just a perfect gap wedge, so I was to be really aggressive with it out of the rough, and as long as I kept it left of the hole it was going to feed towards it, and I think putting it to 10 feet there put a little more pressure on them because they had to make birdie at that point.
Q. What's that feeling then after the putts are conceded?
OTTO BLACK: It's pretty nice, yeah. It's been a long day, so excited to get back and get some rest for tomorrow.
Q. And your emotions at this point, too?
COLIN JOSEPH: Yeah, I think we want to get some rest, and I'm also very happy with how we've done. I think we both know we can do a little better, but I'm very happy with how we've played so far.
Q. Do you think this is one of the bigger things that happened to not only yourselves but the Toledo golf program?
COLIN JOSEPH: Yeah, I would say outside the college golf season, yeah, I would say it's up there for sure. I can't think off the top of my head. We're representing the school in a great way, I think.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
