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March 13, 2016
Indian Wells, California
A. RADWANSKA/Monica Niculescu
6-2, 6-1
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Much more straightforward match today than you had a couple days ago. What do you think was the difference?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think definitely less pressure after that kind of match like I was having in the first round.
And also, I play her just two weeks ago in Doha, so that also helped. I really know what to expect there. Of course she's little bit different player than the others. Never easy. Always tricky opponent.
I knew I would have to be patient. I think that's the most important thing in that kind of matches. And really try to play my game. She can be really tough. Just very happy to win that match actually in those two quick sets.
Q. Do you have extra motivation to do well here in Indian Wells after you suffered that injury in the final against Pennetta two years ago?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, this is one of the biggest tournament here, so this is already motivation. Of course I was here in the final and really close to hold the trophy.
So this is another year to try. Obviously I really trying every year to get the title. I really want to have that trophy at my home. Well, this is I think enough motivation.
Q. You made a pretty amazing shot in the match. Do you have your own personal favorites, like shots of your career in your own head that you think about sometimes?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: To be honest, I don't know how I would do that. It's just pretty much the reaction and things that I do on court. I think is the way I play.
But I definitely have a couple of favorite ones. Also a couple of ones I play against Vinci in Doha; couple of ones as well from Singapore.
But then everything is just happening so fast and I always have like couple of them each tournament, so I am even forgetting what happen in last few months. (Smiling.) That would be good to have actually those highlights on internet that I can watch again and see what I did.
Q. Do you have one all-time favorite?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think the Miami is I think something that nobody did before, so I think I will pick the Miami one, volley from the back that I turned around.
Q. Which one do you think was better? You hit a similar shot against Vinci, that kind of running forehand over the net. This one is better or the one against Vinci?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: It's always hard to compare, but I think I would still pick the Vinci shot, yes. (Smiling.)
Q. Today you were going to the corners and then the backhands and the lobs. It was pretty strenuous game today, wouldn't you say?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah, well, different game than the others. She was also stepping in, going to the net pretty often. I think she has great touch, great hands. It was understandable that ball she was doing that.
So I really was trying everything to lob her and do smashing shots. She definitely has good hands, so I was in trouble more than once.
Q. Do you think that this court favors clay-court players?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: That's hard to say, but it's definitely not the fastest court that I played on. With these conditions it's very dry. Also the ball flies. Someone is playing really flat can be really dangerous because the ball is really going to the fans.
So if the people say that and they really feel that, I can understand that, yeah.
Q. We have seen a number of higher-ranked players upset early in recent months. What would you attribute that to?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think that's why -- actually I said I think the conditions also are very tough. But, well, to be honest, those lower-ranked players are also playing good tennis, so it's not like you can play your 50% and you're gonna win.
Maybe that how was like maybe 10 years ago, that you really didn't play your best and you was still keep winning even two easy sets.
And I think at the moment you really have to play 100% from the first rounds because there are no easy matches. Especially that a lot of players unseeded, and you think they kind of should be in the top 20 and you are playing them in the first round and you're in trouble.
Well, I think that's tennis. What you're not have your day, you are in trouble.
Q. More the lower ranked getting better rather than the higher ranked just having bad days?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think, you know, every match is different, so I cannot really talk, you know, once sentence about whole matches. I definitely think that the lower-ranked players are playing really much better than before.
We can see a lot of names that they should really be much high ranked than they are. That's how we can see a lot of upsets.
Q. (Regarding Fan Favorite Award. ) Why do you think people like you so much?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I don't think it's a question for me. I really love my fans, too. I appreciate those awards. Especially five in a row. I think we really have to ask them why they voting for me.
I just hope I can win again. (Smiling.)
Q. Would you trade it for a major?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah, exactly. (Smiling.)
Q. We have seen the rules and protections put in place for younger players coming up. Do you think there might be time to put more rules and protections for older players because more players are playing longer, fewer commitments and things like that as they age?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think it's -- you're saying that the older players should play less?
Q. Or the option to play less.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: But I think this is individual thing. If you want, you can play 30 tournaments a year, and if you're not that great you can play 10. I think it's just your choice, pretty much.
If you want to play bigger tournament, is also your choice. If you want to play smaller, also your choice.
So I think all matters individual thing. I think also when somebody really had a lot of breaks on the way and not really feeling that old, that also makes a difference.
So I don't think there should be rules for that.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
