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February 21, 2016

Dustin Johnson

Pacific Palisades, California

Q. You keep knocking on the door, still like the course but didn't quite get it today?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, you know, today it felt like I played pretty well again. Just didn't hole any putts. That was the big key. Missed a few short ones. That was really the difference today. I mean, you know, bogey on 2, 3-putted. Missed a short one on 12 for par. Short one on 10 for birdie. So just a couple putts I should have made, I missed.

Other than that, I felt like I played pretty good today.

Q. Rory was just in talking about the change of conditions and today was by far the hardest day. Would you agree with that?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: The greens definitely firmed up for sure, and the wind was blowing a little bit harder today. Like my shot on 18 went a lot further than I thought it was going to, but the wind just picked up. Definitely played harder today.

Q. I had asked you, Wednesday or Thursday, if you were more encouraged or discouraged when you come close but don't win. You said you were encouraged based on last year's close calls. Same feeling this time around?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Obviously today, I was there. Just didn't execute with the putter. It happens. But I'm definitely pleased with the way I played, the way I finished, everything. I feel good with the golf swing. So looking forward to the next few tournaments.

Q. You talked about some rust the first couple weeks because you had not practiced. Are you beyond that?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, don't feel rusty anymore, so it's getting there. Going to be good here very soon.

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