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January 19, 2016
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I. IVANOVIC/T. Patterson
6-2, 6-3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How did you feel?
ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, it was really good to have a win today. I thought I played a quite solid match. I started well, tried to be aggressive and sort of transfer what I worked on in my practice court onto the match court.
It's never easy playing someone you faced for the first time. I haven't seen her play much before. I was really happy I managed to just stay calm and get breaks when it mattered.
Q. A lot of nerves going into this match, considering a lot of seeded players so far this tournament have been eliminated?
ANA IVANOVIC: Definitely. You know, first rounds are always tricky against also opponents you don't know. There were also tough first-round pairings.
But you really have to take care of your own game and yourself out there. For me it was just a matter of focusing.
Of course you're going to have nerves for every match because it means so much to you. But it's about just trying to handle them. I did that well today.
Q. A couple wayward ball tosses throughout the match. How do you work on that?
ANA IVANOVIC: I work on it a lot. On a daily basis I work on it. Some days you have to accept you may have to stop it a few more times than the others. I'm kind of used to live with it.
But I think I served well. I think my serve can be a weapon. That's what's my aim.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
