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January 7, 2016

Danny Lee

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii

Q. Talk about today. Very consistent. You had to be pleased with the way you were striking it, especially off the tee.
DANNY LEE: Yeah, it's some very wide fairways out here, so hitting the fairway isn't the biggest problem I have. And you just got to place your ball very well from the second shot and I did that very nicely today and made a lot of good putts. That helps also.

Q. Talk about the putting. You had that claw grip where you turned your right hand upside down. That's working well for you.
DANNY LEE: Yeah, ever since I switched to a claw grip, I've been putting consistently better and it's been working out for me very well.

Q. Have you elevated your game since the Greenbrier Classic? Do you feel you're playing at a higher level?
DANNY LEE: Yes, I think I'm definitely hitting it better, maybe hitting it a little bit further as well, and putting it better. I always struggle a lot with the around the greens, especially on tight lies or against the grain, I have a tendency to chunk the ball a lot. But I think I fixed that problem during this winter.

Q. Excited about the rest of the week?
DANNY LEE: Oh, yeah. I'm very excited to be here and it's a beautiful place here.

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