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January 7, 2016
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
V. LEPCHENKO/G. Muguruza
7-6, 1-0 (ret.)
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. When did you start to feel the foot? How worried are you about the injury?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, I started to feel like 3-All, something like that. But it's just a pain that sometimes you have in the foot, especially when you're starting to compete and to run and to feel that, you know, you're playing a match.
I'm not really worried because I felt it a lot, so it's really necessary to do a lot of treatment and to keep it not like getting worse.
So, yeah, that's what happened.
Q. When you arrived here to start the season were you fit? Did you have any sense that there was anything wrong with your foot before the tournament started?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, yeah, I felt it. Last year I felt it almost during the whole season. Well, yeah, I felt it also in the pre-season a little bit, but especially here last days playing points, running more, more, more.
I thought in the match I was going to just like play with the pain, but just got a point I'm like, Hey it's going more, so just stop and let's treat it and hopefully it's gone in couple of days.
Q. What tournaments will you move on to now? Sydney?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, I'm not sure. Going to depend of how the next days my foot is going to be. I don't know if I'm going to play Sydney. I'm not in the tournament, and so we'll see. For sure I'm going to take care for Melbourne, really good and fit.
Q. There's been a lot of talk about needing match practice before the Open. Are you a little bit worried on that front? Probably not the start you wanted for the season.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, yeah, maybe it's not the best start, but it's really hard to know how you're going to be the first tournament. Especially the first one.
I came from like two months without competing, so it's just to see how you feel, how is your body reacting, and getting more fit and fit.
So, yeah.
Q. Specifically what is the injury? Bottom of the foot?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, the plantar fascia over there.
Q. Did you ask the trainer what would have been the consequences of playing on tonight?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, I mean, the pain is going more, more, more, and because I had it before, the next day you have like a stone there. It's just you start running, running, and then you feel more pain and you're like, Oh, I cannot run like before.
It's not good if you're not 100%. I don't see the run to go on court and keep playing with pain.
Q. Do you have a tip for the rest the tournament then? Pretty open field now with a lot of big names gone.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, it's been a weird week for sure. A lot of players have been with some problems.
But it's kind of normal the first week and Grand Slam couple of days. I don't know. I don't know who is going to win the tournament seriously. That's the last thing I'm thinking right now.
Yeah, I don't know. Good luck for everyone.
Q. How well did you think Varvara was playing out there tonight?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I thought she was playing good. Yeah, she came fit. For sure she has been practicing. I think it's always sometimes hard to play the first matches, but I saw her good. Yeah, really solid and motivated to play, yeah.
Q. You have an injured plantar fascia, yes?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah. It's not injured yet, but it's the fascia, yeah.
Q. On the audio at the match sounds as if you were talking about an orthotic.
Q. Was the orthotic causing the problem?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, well, I've been trying different orthotics, and I just thought that -- suddenly I was thinking, Hey, maybe can be a reason.
But I think it's just starting to compete again and running in a match with that feeling that, you know, you're in a match.
So but for sure maybe the orthotic can be a reason. I will see now with my team and find out the problem and try to solve it as quick as possible.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
