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October 31, 2015
Singapore, Singapore
A. RADWANSKA/G. Muguruza
6‑7, 6‑3, 7‑5
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Congratulations.
Q. We rarely see you this emotional after a match. Can you just take us through it. Was it because of making a? Final. Because of this week? The whole season on a whole?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah, pretty much like you said: everything. I was just so happy to get through that match. Like I was saying before, I didn't really expect to be in the semis after the first losses and now it's the final.
So that was really big match. Well, a lot of emotion during that match I think all three hours. I'm just so relieved that it's over and I could win that match.
Q. You must be really pleased with how you competed, even when you had a lead in all three sets squandered. Then even in the first one, which you lost, it was in the tiebreaker. Talk a little bit about how you pulled that one out.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes, well, the first set was good. I just didn't really take my chances. Of course I should win that one, first of all.
But is always hard to comeback after those kind of set. I think this is a symbol of the Championships. You really fight until the end.
Of course we had couple of matches really tight, very long at Wimbledon and in Beijing. I lost those two matches and was really similar match. I think we always playing three hours, so I'm kind of used to it. Just very happy that I could win this one. I'm in the final for the first time.
Q. By the looks of your leg and the amount of bandage and strapping on it, you're playing in some pain. Can you tell us about the injuries you've got at the moment.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes, well, my leg is a bit tired, I guess. Well, it's been a lot of tennis last couple of weeks. It's just something that is reallybother me a little bit, but it's still that I can play my best tennis, like we saw today.
Well, for sure I'm going to have the strapping tomorrow. That's for sure. But, well, just that's what is helping me, so...
Q. What has been the turning point? 5‑1 with Halep or later? If you have to go back these three, four days when you think, Oh, a click which change completely the scenery?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think like you were saying, I think the tiebreaker, especially from 5‑1 down. Well, I think that was the set that really push me to win that whole match against Simona. And of course a little bit luck that Maria won that match in the afternoon that makes me go to the semifinals.
Well, it's for sure only tournament that can really‑‑ everything can change around, especially in one day in both groups. So that was I think big moment for me and for Petra as well, that she was in.
Well, I just took my chance. I'm in the final for the first time.
Q. Flavia Pennetta is now on the plane, and tomorrow she will go back and arrive in Italy and see, Oh, Radwanska. I beat her 6‑4, 7‑6 or something like that and she's in the final. This is something change, no, in a way?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think this is the only tournament that you can lose but you still in and you can still win everything. So I think happens so many times here.
Well, I think a little bit luck as well on the way a good. Well, yeah.
Q. You're known for some incredible shot making, and sometimes some shot seems to go against the laws of physics. Do you ever surprise yourself?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah, sometimes like, Oh, my God. It's in! But tennis is so fast, so you're not really have time to think. That's just the reaction. We have not even a second to make shot, a decision, and it's just suddenly there.
But, well, I'm just always very happy to make those shots. Well, yeah. (Smiling.)
Q. After that first round loss in the French Open, was there a time where you sat down with your coaches and talked about how you wanted to see rest of the season play out? And at that point, did you think you would be sitting here in the finals of WTA Finals?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, absolutely not. The first couple months was really tough, and definitely didn't expect to be sitting right here now before the final.
I think I everything change I think from the grass court season pretty much. I was playing much better, more confident on court, feeling much better on court. I think that helps me a lot, winning good matches, tight matches.
Because I think there are no more easy matches on the tour, especially in the really big events. I think in important moments I'm making the good decision and the right shots, and that's why we're here.
Q. We obviously don't know who you'll play tomorrow. Can you talk about both players separately? And especially if you're going to play Maria again, what would you do differently and what would you take from the match that you had with her and what would you forget about?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, to be honest, doesn't really matter who I'm going to face. Both are great champion. It's really now 50/50 match, so of course we don't know.
But against Maria it was really tight match. I still had the chances in the end that I didn't take. Well, I think every match is different story, so I think doesn't really matter if we play before or not. We start from the beginning.
And with Petra. We play pretty much on every Championship in the group, so for the first time we going to play if the final. We're not going to play in the group. It's always great matches against her.
Like I'm saying, for me doesn't really matter. Really I have nothing to lose. I just hope I can play the same great tennis I was playing today.
Q. I think you lost to Muguruza four times before today. When you went on, did you say, Different strategy? Something different?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, to be honest, not really. I mean, like I was saying, last two matches it was so close. Long, really tight battles. So it's really hard to say about strategy.
I was really just worse couple points each time. As here as well. I was just better two points. That's it. So there was just tight matches. I think in the really important moments you can really use your chance. That's how it is in those kind of matches.
Q. What does making final mean to you, and does this stretch of the last four to six weeks redeem your season a little bit?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes, definitely. I mean, this is my first final, so I'm just extremely happy to reach that final. I guess Asia swing until the end was very good for me.
I'm just very happy to keep my tennis on the same level until the end.
Q. Garbine said that she called you La Profesora. What do you think of that nickname, and what nickname would you give her?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, actually I heard that nickname already from Flavia and from her coach since many years ago. I was always laughing. I just really appreciate that nickname. I think that's really nice to hear, especially from those kind of players, like Flavia and Garbine.
If I will have to find nickname for her, good question. A think a bomb, because she's very explosive, especially from every shot. So forehand, backhand, serve, return, everything is coming to you so fast. Yeah, I think it's going to suit her. Yeah. (Laughter.) Bomber.
Q. Seven times here the finals, the WTA Finals. Do you think you're playing better now that you're in the final than previous six finals, or it's just some good connection or coincidence? Good matches?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think like you were saying, to really reach the final of the Grand Slam or tournament like this, you really have to have a lot of things going in your way.
Sometimes you're playing good tennis but you have a little bit bad luck on the way. Of course there are some players that are playing a little bit better and some of the player suits you a little bit better.
I think everything has to go really your way to reach the final. I think of course I was already almost home after those first two matches. Now we sitting here, so that was also some luck for me that somebody else did the good job to make me go to the semifinals.
But of course I think you have to really play great tennis to be in the final in this event because here we are eight 8 of us.
Q. Which is the best year for Radwanska?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: What is the best year?
Q. Yes. Your best year is 2015? 2014? 2013? In your opinion the way you play and the results you had.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think it's hard to just pick one year, especially when I did for example Grand Slam final 2012, and also I won Miami the same year.
So definitely one of the best seasons, that's for sure. Also I would say 2012, yes.
Q. I know you talked about Muguruza as a bomb. Could you just give us a little bit more insight? Everybody is talking about her game. How difficult is it to play against her? What makes it difficult?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, like I was saying, she's very powerful player but also very solid. It's not like one ball is going out and one is in. It's everything pretty much very solid, very consistent.
I think she's really playing at one level all the time. It's not the one player that's up and down. She's really playing great tennis from the beginning until the end and not giving you any free points and pretty much like I'm saying, very solid from each shot.
So it's really hard to just say about even tactic, because you really have to play your aggressive, best tennis to beat player like Garbine.
Q. How are your feelings and mindset different from when you qualified for Wimbledon final?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: What's the difference?
Q. Yes. How it is different now?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think it's pretty similar. This are both very big events. Of course this is something different. It's not the Grand Slam. But still one of the biggest events of the year, so another big chance for me, another big day tomorrow for me.
I never did that before. Well, we'll see. Maybe tomorrow I can do that.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports