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November 1, 2015

Kevin Na

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Q. Talk about the first few holes. You couldn't do anything wrong.
KEVIN NA: I did nothing wrong. I played great all day. I hit a good putt on 16, obviously, that you saw that lip out.

17, I had the putt going right. I had it left center, inside left, and my caddie agreed with me. And I hit my spot, and it actually wiggled a little left and caught the hole and lipped out.

Justin played great. After that double bogey, he bounced back with three birdies in a row. And he probably could have birdied 18 if he didn't have a shot lead.

So, I gave it my best shot. It just keeps getting more and more disappointing, because three weeks in a row I'm right there.

But you got to take the positive. I'm playing the best golf of my life. I got another shot at the world championship next week.

Q. Talk about next week in China. Obviously, a place that you've done fairly decent, as well. With the form that you're in, you must be looking forward to going there.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, that's it. I've got a good shot again, if I keep playing the way I've been playing. One of these weeks I'll win.

Q. Good. Come back here next year to the CIMB?
KEVIN NA: For sure. I got a 2 and a 3, so 1 is next.

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