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October 31, 2015

Kevin Na

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Q. Just your thoughts on your round of 64 for today?
KEVIN NA: I played very well today. I got off to a hot start, made some good putts. Couple missed putts at the end, but overall, very pleased with how I played.

Q. And you've been playing well the past few weeks as well. What's been the key for you so far here?
KEVIN NA: Well, making some putts and then hitting it well, so it's a good combo.

Also, I don't know, I feel pretty comfortable, which is nice. I got a little -- I keep getting a little tired at the end of the round from being jet lagged a little bit, but besides that, the last three weeks I felt very comfortable, very confident and I think that's been a big key.

Q. Finish here tied second as well, so obviously you must like playing on this golf course.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, last year, I was right up there until the end. Losing that ball on 17 that kind of cost me the event.

But it was a great week. I love this golf course. Malaysian fans have been very nice to me. And also, from my first win being here when I was like 19 at Kota Permai, so I have some great memories at Malaysia and I can only thank Malaysia for that.

Q. (No Microphone.)
KEVIN NA: Eight times. Eight times in my career I finished second. Well, I got to keep the streak alive, don't I?

(Laughter.) Worst case, I win, right? If I don't keep the streak alive. That's the attitude I'm trying to have.

Q. Do you know what's been holding you back since your first win in 2011?
KEVIN NA: I've had some tournaments that I threw away and I have some tournaments that I feel like I got beat. I don't know, I've been unlucky a few times. But you know what? The last few weeks I've never felt so comfortable coming down the stretch. And I don't know if the viewers were able to see that, but I've been getting a lot of compliments from my friends and coaches and family members, friends, saying that how comfortable I looked. I think that's been the difference, but comfortable, but still finished second. Maybe I'll feel comfortable finishing second or worst case, I win.

Q. Talk us through that birdie on the 10th hole.
KEVIN NA: Yes, I haven't probably missed a shot all day until on 10. I was trying to hit a cut off the tee with a 3-wood and just came over the top. It was still going to cut, to the left edge of the fairway, maybe just left rough. But the tree's there. So I caught the tree and second shot pulled it again, hit the cart path, I was in the trees, I had nothing.

Before my caddie even said anything, I pulled a club out I said, back off, I'm going to hit this. And I hit it through the trees and I figured I get up-and-down here it would be a good five and flew it right in the hole.

Q. What club did you use?
KEVIN NA: 60 degree wedge. It's one of those things, when it is your week, things like that happen.

Q. The only bogey on number 14. Did that distract your rhythm?
KEVIN NA: Was that 14 or 13?

Q. One of those.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, you know, I hit a decent shot in there, it's a tough hole. I left it about somewhere around four feet and there was a little bit of a distraction, you get that, you're going to get that close to the end of the week, but you got to forget those and move on.

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