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October 24, 2015
Singapore, Singapore
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Can you talk a little bit about your round‑robin group, how you see it.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I see all lefties (laughter).
Q. So do I.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, it's actually weird, we are eight, and in my group it's like all lefties. I was like, Wow.
I think it's like tough group, like the other one. But it's going to be interesting, so... I'm looking forward to see.
I think every matches are difficult here. We all know that. So I'm going to try to be as good as possible. Try to, you know, keep my level.
Q. Tell us how you feel being here for the first time as a singles player. What are your emotions like? What are your nerves like?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Is great to be here actually. I think it's a very good position to be here playing singles and doubles. I'm very excited. I'm kind of rookie. Well, I played last year doubles, but it's obviously not the same, so...
I'm nervous, actually, to start and see what happens. I mean, it's perfect to be able to be here competing with the best eight players of the year. So good that I'm one of them.
Q. Most of the other players that have come before have mentioned you as one of the favorites for the tournament, also a dark horse. Obviously it's good you're being noticed by other players, but do you feel there is a bit of pressure? How would you cope with the fact that everyone views you as one of the favorites?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I'm going to take it nicely. Well, I don't think that that's really the truth. It's my first time here as a single competing in the Singapore Finals.
Well, I earn my place here. I definitely have level. I kind of deserve to be playing here. I don't see me as a favorite. I think I played very good this month, and hopefully I can continue doing it. But I don't know. Let's see how it goes.
The first time, sometimes it's hard to face it. I don't know. Let's see what happens.
Q. Can you talk a bit about your year. Has it been unexpected, this sudden rise?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, it for sure has been an incredible, like, rise. But I think you always have to have in your mind that you can make good tournaments and achieve great things, otherwise it's not going to happen.
You have to always have it in your mind what do you want to do, always kind of have important objectives in your mind to be motivated.
Well, great to be here in that position right now.
Q. Can you talk about since China how you've been able to recover. How long did you put down the racquet after a lot of play in Asia? How has your preparation been with Sam leading up to the tournament?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, it has been great because normally when you finish a tournament, you don't have that much time, especially if you win, to celebrate or kind of feel like you have time to see what is happening. Normally you're going to the next tournament.
Has been really good. I needed, of course, to rest couple of days, like four or five days, and to start preparing the last tournament of the year.
It's great how I finish in Beijing. Well, for sure motivated to come here and keep playing like that. Hopefully I can achieve something good also.
Q. Did you actually go back to Barcelona or did you stay in Asia?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I stayed here in Singapore, practicing and resting at the same time. Yeah, that was my choice. I preferred to stay here, more concentrate. Kind of don't change environment a lot. You know, just get more prepared.
Q. How long have you been here now?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Since I finished Beijing.
Q. Really?
Q. And how is the relationship with Sam going? Obviously a very experienced coach. Has been here with top players before. How is it going? Looking forward into 2016, is the relationship solid going into the new year?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, I think it's great. We are working really hard. I think it's going very good. We're going to work together for 2016. I'm really happy with the work we are doing. He has a lot of experience, so it's perfect for me to have someone that really knows what you have to do to be there.
For now it's perfect.
Q. Are you concerned that fatigue will play a part in your tournament because you're playing both the singles and doubles?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I come here and I don't need to do something special for this tournament. It's as always, I can prepare and be more ready.
It's going to be a challenge to play singles and doubles here. It's a very important tournament. You really, really want to do it good. I don't know. Let's see what happens.
Q. You just turned 22. Do you think you'll be the next big thing in women's tennis?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I don't know (laughter). For sure it's one of my objectives, you know, to be up there and stay there. That's what I'm working for. I'm really motivated to achieve that. I think I'm in a good path.
But I don't know. I don't know. Hopefully yes.
Q. Would winning in Singapore make that statement, that you're the next big thing?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Sorry, I don't understand.
Q. That you will be the next big thing.
Q. What is the difference between your life in the last two years and now? You were playing outside the top 100.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: For sure has been a big difference, for sure. But I think it's a good difference, obviously, because I'm here. I want to be here right now. Obviously my environment has changed, the tournaments I play, the crowd. My fans, of course, for sure. I think everything.
But it's good. I mean, I enjoying. I want this to happen. I worked for this, so is great.
Q. There was a time when the norm was that top players are playing singles and doubles and doing really well in singles and doubles. That has changed. Now you and Lucie are both in the singles and doubles. Can you talk about how you're managing that. Will you stay committed to doubles? Do you think more players are going to follow suit?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I think is very tough to play singles and doubles, especially when you are really in high rankings because every match you play, you really need to be 100%.
Obviously playing singles and doubles makes you more tired. You have to spend more hours in the side practicing, talking and thinking. But I enjoy playing doubles with Carla. We said two years ago, Carla, let's play doubles and see what happens.
We are playing Masters again, it's amazing. I think it helps me a lot, doubles, as a better player, to learn things. So far I'm enjoying singles and doubles, but it's hard, really hard.
Q. It's a very common thing to have a big result, then maybe for the next couple weeks or a little bit maybe not play as well as one would like. You've had that experience this year. I'm curious whether right now, being in Singapore, does it feel different in terms of your mentality or motivation compared to maybe a few weeks after Wimbledon?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, for sure. I've learned a lot since Wimbledon. But I think it's more people creating expectations because of the results. You know, you come here, Oh, I saw her playing, she's the one, whatever.
But I'm trying to be calm, not to think a lot about this, keep doing the same. Hopefully I can go out there and have a good match and go out of the court saying, Look, I played Singapore for the first time, I did all my effort. If I lost, okay. But if I win, amazing.
Do my best, don't think about everything. I don't want to be thinking about all this.
Q. Radwanska was saying the last time you played her about two years that she knew you could be maybe top 5, top 1. Do you really feel that way?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yes, I think. Well, I'm trying to, you know. I think I'm getting closer and closer. Yeah, I think I have the possibility to be there if I work hard. I still have to do a lot of things, work, improve. But I think I'm in the right way to make it, yeah.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports