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October 25, 2015

Matthew Fitzpatrick

Fanling, Hong Kong

Q. What are your thoughts on the week as a whole?
MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: Yeah, good first week back. Played pretty nice. Didn't play as well as I would like to, to be fair, which is annoying. Just a few loose shots and scrambled. Not going to play great golf all the time. A good week all in all.

Q. I know you were trailing the leaders a bit at the start of play but presumably positive about trying to close that gap?
MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: Yeah, definitely. Got off to a fairly decent start. I was hitting it fairly nice to start with and hit a bad one on 7 and then just went on a stretch where I didn't really hit it that great and never really gave myself chances but picked up a birdie -- picked up one birdie on 11 and had a chance on 10, as well.

But no, just wasn't quite there today to really get it going. But good result in the end. Still managed to get around under par.

Q. And I guess across the course of the season, if you were third right in the early stages, a lovely result; I could see?
Q. Now that you have a win under the belt, is this just good --
MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: It's still great for me. I'm delighted. Hopefully -- pretty sure it will be another top five. That's something that for me is quite positive and gives me a lot of confidence. I've had quite a few of them this year, which is always a good thing. So something to aim for and gave me a good target for next year to do the same thing. Yeah, just keep working at the right things, and overall, it's been a great week.

Q. Still things to target for the season, aren't there?
MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: Definitely. There's still four weeks left. Just looking forward to them now and the very long plane journey to Turkey.

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