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October 18, 2015

Justin Thomas

Napa, California

Q. Great playing, man. Emiliano, the guy, man, same exact putt he made two weeks ago he does it again here this week. Guy has got, I don't know, ice in his veins, huh?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, I didn't see the putt. I was on the range. Yeah, I've known Emiliano for a long time. Obviously I wish I was a part of what could be the playoff or whatever it's going to be.

But I'm very happy for him and I'm pulling for him.

Q. Tell me about the golf course out there today.
JUSTIN THOMAS: It was really, really good setup. If you drive it well and got it in play you could make some birdies.

You know, that's just how a golf course should be set up. You can get after it and make some birdies, but you take an easy hole and get out of position you can make a bogey pretty fast.

It was just a great, great set up all week and a it was a lot of fun.

Q. Great start to the beginning of the year. Looking forward to playing next week?
JUSTIN THOMAS: No, I got an off week and then Malaysia and Shanghai.

Q. All in all, you seemed to put together four really solid rounds. How would you assess it?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, I played well. I played really, really well the first day. I really kind of scraped it around these last three days, which obviously I would like to be one shot better to have a chance.

Honestly, it's really comforting because I didn't play well the last three days. Gave myself a chance and kept managing my game and stayed patient and had a really good chance the last three holes to at least make one birdie.

That's going to hurt pretty bad. That's unfortunately our sport. You have a lot more losses than wins. Just got to go forward with it.

Q. Obviously into a new season. What are your thoughts heading into the next few events? What do you take away from this?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Like I said, I just take away that I didn't have my best stuff and I was right there and had a really good chance to win the tournament.

Felt really good. I was nervous, but it wasn't anything crazy. I made great putt on 17. Obviously the wedge was atrocious. To get that you up and down and still have a chance was good.

Going forward, I have next week off, so just sit back and realize what I did well, what I need to get better at, and work on what I need to do for Malaysia.

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