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October 18, 2015

Kevin Na

Napa, California

Q. Probably hit it left or right and get the ball over to the right and give yourself an angle. What happened?
KEVIN NA: You know, I hit probably five or six drivers off the deck this week. Drove it on 16. Drove this green. Almost drove 9. I've hit it perfect every time.

In regulation I missed it in the right spots. The driver is the only club that's going to get me far enough right, past the front, where I can have an aim to win.

I hit it all the time. I was very confident. Only thing is it was dark. It's a lot tougher. The ball was above any feet. Maybe I should have hit 3-wood. If I were to go to do it over again I probably would still hit driver.

Q. I know you're disappointed, but birdie on 18 to get into a playoff, what are you feeling right now?
KEVIN NA: I birdied four of the last six to get in the playoff. I was 2-over, just about done, and just turned it around. You know, he should have made birdie the first time; he made birdie the second time. So he won it.

I did get another shot because he missed a three-footer. I'm proud that I hung in there today and got myself in a playoff. Disappointed again this is my third playoff lost. I don't know, maybe a major.

Q. You were the last player to commit to this event. Obviously a good tournament. Great way to start out the 20015/2016 season. I think things are going to go pretty well for you this year.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, seems like -- you would think I would get my share, but I certainly haven't got my share of wins for how good I've played or the past seven or eight years. You know what? It's coming. It's coming.

Q. I agree. Well-played. Tough loss in the playoff. Losing in a playoff like that, just how tough is it?
KEVIN NA: Just shows you you were right there. Disappointing, but at the same time, I did birdie four of the last six. Clutched up when I needed to. Made birdie in regulation to get in.

I don't know. Just a little unlucky there in the second shot. Driver is the right club. It was a little dark. Probably caught it 16th or 18th of an inch heavy and the club just turned over.

So, you know, a little disappointing there, but he played great. Made birdie. Should have made birdie the first playoff hole, so good for him.

Q. You mentioned you made birdie to get into the playoff. What confidence do you take away from that?
KEVIN NA: I was really struggling with the putter the first ten holes. Wasn't making anything outside five feet. I missed even a two-and-a-half-footer.

Then the back nine the putter kind of clicked and under pressure my putter felt pretty good. I think I got to take that going towards the next few tournaments.

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