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October 17, 2015

Kevin Na

Napa, California

Q. Great bunker shot there at 18. Six birdies, an eagle. Things went well for you out there today.
KEVIN NA: It did. I struck it really well and gave myself plenty of opportunities. The course was there for the taking a little bit today and I took advantage of it.

Q. You had a good year last year. I know you didn't win, but a good, solid year for you. What are you looking at coming into this year?
KEVIN NA: Every year your goal is to make it to Maui and TOUR Championship. Last two years made it to TOUR Championship without a win.

So this year's goal is to win, but if I don't, still make it to TOUR Championship.

Q. What do you like about this course?
KEVIN NA: It's not a bomber's course. You have to shape the ball, which I like doing. Short game is a big part of the game out here on this golf course.

It's been good so far.

Q. Big round today. Just assess it. What happened out there today?
KEVIN NA: I got off to a good start. Shot 4-under on the front nine and slowed down a little bit and made a bunch of pars, missed a couple opportunities.

But nice birdie on 15, and then I had an unbelievable second shot on 16 to have a good look at a short putt for eagle. I finished nicely.

Nice 64.

Q. What was working so well out there?
KEVIN NA: I was hitting the ball very well. I was giving myself plenty of chances. A lot of putts around ten feet for birdie, and I made my share.

Q. Is there something about this time of the year, the fall? I know you won in Vegas. You get geared up differently?
KEVIN NA: I think the temperature. It's comfortable. Not as hot. I don't know. Maybe -- it's kind of around when I was born maybe. Maybe that's got something to do with it.

Q. Looking ahead to tomorrow, what are you looking forward to?
KEVIN NA: Tomorrow I bet they're going to set up the golf course pretty difficult. There will still be plenty of good scores out there, so keep the foot on the gas pedal.

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