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October 11, 2015

Ian Poulter

Woburn, England

Q. Not a week you want to remember from a playing point of view, I know you've been disappointed with your play. But tell us about being host, tell us about the job that Woburn have done and how proud of that you are.
IAN POULTER: Yeah, they have done an amazing job obviously supporting. And obviously The European Tour, to bring this tournament back.

To have the fans come out like they have came out the last four days has been incredible. We had 15,000 fans on Thursday and we have had similar from every day on in.

The weather has been fantastic. The first few days, obviously wet. But they have come out in the thousands and that's what this place needs.

British golf has been away for too long. I think this tournament, being able to bring it back the way we have, has been a huge honour. I'm very proud to be associated with this golf course and the golf club itself.

It's just a shame, obviously, I couldn't do it this week. My game, it's not quite there. I need to go home. I need to sit down and have a real good think about my golf game and see how we're going to get it back.

But from a tournament perspective, I'm very, very proud of how Woburn Golf Course have done it this week.

Q. Board is incredibly tight at the moment and looks like it will come down to potentially the 18th hole. Who better than you to describe the 18th for us.
IAN POULTER: Good par 4. We have got a down off the right wind today. So the front right fairway trap on the right side is out of play. Guys can carry that no problem at all. They want to keep it just short of the left hand fairway trap.

I hit a reasonable drive today, left me 199 yards. So it's still going to be a tricky shot from there to be able to hit it very close to this pin. There's a tier in the middle of the green about 18 yards up which gets a kick forward but obviously the greens are soft.

Now the thing you don't want to do is hit it in that back left bunker, that's a no-no and obviously long right, that's obviously another no-no. Try to carry this bridge, feed it left-to-right towards the pin, and that's exactly what you're going to want to do. Try to leave it underneath the hole and leave yourself a straight uphill putt. Sounds easy but it's not.

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