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October 9, 2015
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. What were you thinking when Bethanie was coming at you in the second set and how did you put a stop to that?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, I just thought that I knew kind of this was going to happen because I know how she plays. So I was waiting for that moment to, you know, see what was going to happen.
I was just trying to be calm 'cause she makes you, you know, get frustrated or, like, to think so much. I tried to stay calm and see if she could handle this level for the whole match. So I was able to finally close in the second set.
Q. What were you doing so well up until then and then at the end?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I think I was playing very aggressive. I really studied her game kind of. I knew what I have to do. I think I just played very good also. Yes, I played very good.
Q. Did it feel any different going on court today than maybe it did yesterday or the day before?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: It did, of course. But I wanted to win so much. But you're more calm, kind of calm, because I was really motivated for today to be on semifinal. I've never been that far in a mandatory tournament. I really want to see what happens.
A little bit different. But I was also very nervous to close the match, so...
Q. How aware are you of the different milestones you hit in the career? Today is the first time you make the semifinals in a mandatory, first time qualifying for Singapore? Do you think about those firsts?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I'm looking forward to that. This is good it's happening to me. It is true that it's all in the same year so I'm going to remember this year for long time.
But I'm happy to be able to kind of feel this. Of course, that it's also going good. I'm actually handle this quite good. I think this is just wonderful that this is happening to me.
I don't know, it's amazing. I don't know, but I really motivated to see what happens from now on.
Q. You've got Radwanska next, who is a very different kind of player to some of the more powerful players you've played this week. How will you prepare for that or what are you expecting?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, I play a lot against Aga. I think she's playing good. I saw her a little bit today and yesterday. Well, I remember the last match we play was in Wimbledon, was very tough. But we always do tough matches. So I'm going to expect just a very hard semifinal, like always. I'll just try to play like today and to be calm to try to win the match.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports