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September 30, 2015
Nashville, Tenn.
Q. It's got feel good to move on to the next round after a long couple days.
KAREN GARCIA: It's an amazing feeling. Yeah, it is. It is, to just claw -- feel like you have to scratch and claw. Maggie was amazing on some up and downs and her touch on the greens. Yeah, it feels good.
Q. You actually lead me into my next question. That is back-and-forth battle of a match, not able to really pull ahead. What's it like playing through a tough match with a great competitor like that?
KAREN GARCIA: Yeah, it's an incredible feeling to try and calm yourself. You think about it, you read about it in all the books, but then when you're actually out there in the moment trying to do it, it's incredibly difficult.
I just rely on talking to my husband and reminding myself this is better than being at work and it's all gravy.
Q. Husband caddying for you?
Q. Enjoying the experience?
KAREN GARCIA: Yes, especially since I'm playing better. It's a lot easier to be here when you're playing okay. Yeah, he's seen me struggle lots at times on the golf course. So it's awesome to have him here.
Q. Any particular spot where maybe you felt like a turning point for you out there on the course, somewhere you might have played well to give yourself a little momentum?
KAREN GARCIA: Getting to 15 felt -- I had just lost two straight -- blew two straight holes to go back to all square. Then 15 and 17 set up well, so I don't know. I didn't feel scared. I just felt ready to go.
Q. Can you walk me through both those holes a little bit.
KAREN GARCIA: You know, 15 I actually pushed a little bit, but with the tee being back -- yesterday I reached it.
Q. Okay.
KAREN GARCIA: So today I knew it was a three-shot hole. It was matter of just hit driver. I was up on the right-hand side. Keep it in play. Hit a 4-hybrid to -- I think I had 70 yards in.
At that point I felt like I kind of could go towards the pin. These greens are kind of scary, so not always wanting to go at the flags.
That one I did. Maggie ran into trouble and was short on her approach, so it was a just matter of not even really having to charge it and win the hole. So that was nice.
Actually, 16 I hit what I thought was going to be a great 4-hybrid and just got caught up in the wind. I was on the right-hand side and got up and down and made a putt.
Again, thank any husband and Stewart, I think Scott is his last name. (Ph.) He's a member here and he came out one day and walked with us, our whole Northern California group, and gave us some ideas. It's been pretty good.
On 17 I almost reached the green in two. Just putted it up the hill.
Again, Stewart had been out here and suggested that we could roll those balls up that face instead of trying to chip it. I did it and made the putt. Made the putt to close out -- made a birdie putt to close out the match. That's feels good.
Q. That's got to be a great feeling.
KAREN GARCIA: Yeah, I was worrying about coming up to 18. I still thought she could hole it out of the bunker, hole this putt.
Q. Stranger things have happened.
KAREN GARCIA: Yeah, it's always match play. Expect your person to make it, and I don't know. Those all seem like cliches, but they're true.
Is it Smith of Scott? Anyway, he was awesome. He helped all of us from Northern California. It was so nice he came out.
Q. Just walked around the course and gave you some insider tips?
KAREN GARCIA: Yeah, exactly. About how the read the greens, you know. Coming from Northern California, we don't play on with a lot of grain. Don't have a lot of break like here.
These greens, just the way they're, designed a lot complexity.
Q. Yeah, everyone is talking about greens, the greens.
KAREN GARCIA: Yeah, exactly.
Q. So Cool is in Northern California?
Q. I'm sure you get that question a lot. Where is Cool, California?
KAREN GARCIA: It's near Auburn, which prides itself as being the endurance capital of the world. So up in the Foothills. Mountain lion, bear territory. Used to drive down about an hour east of Sacramento for work.
Now I'm about a half hour up in the foothills. I am a high school counselor. So, yeah Cool, California. It's between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe.
Q. Yeah. Beautiful area.
KAREN GARCIA: It is. It is. It's amazing 365-day kind of golf weather. You get rain, but never anything for more than a day that keeps you off the course.
Considering I'm originally from Oregon.
Q. I was going to say, is that a Duck?
KAREN GARCIA: That's a Duck. I played softball there a long, long time ago. When I became a golfer, I was so glad to move down to California so I could play golf.
Q. Yeah, get out there and enjoy it.
KAREN GARCIA: I coached basketball and softball, so wasn't like I was playing year round anyway. I put my clubs away end of October and would see them again in the summer. The weather wasn't that bad.
Q. How long were you in Oregon? How long have you been in California now?
KAREN GARCIA: Was born and raised in Oregon, but I've been in California now 22, 23 years. I'm now a Californian.
Q. Yes.
KAREN GARCIA: But I will never lose my Duck roots. I have Pac-12 Network. I watch every softball game, every track event.
Q. Have you met Shannon on our staff?
Q. I'm sure you know her.
KAREN GARCIA: Shannon is a lot younger than I am, so Shannon, when she was at Oregon was a lot after my softball days.
Yeah, met her on the range at the mid-am and have talked to her again.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
