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September 20, 2015

Kevin Na

Lake Forest, Illinois

Q. Kevin, talk about that last putt there on 18.
KEVIN NA: Oh, boy. I mean, I was hoping that would be for birdie, but you know, it was a pretty straightforward putt, about two inches outside the right edge, and I hit it right where I wanted to. Halfway there, I just said, don't hit anything and bounce off-line, and it was a relief to see that one go in.

Q. How gratifying is it to make it to the TOUR Championship?
KEVIN NA: Well, it's a goal every year you set at the beginning of the year, and it's definitely not easy to get to the TOUR Championship without a win, and I've done it all four times without a win. It just means you've been playing steady all year, which I have been, and I was a little bit outside of the number coming into this week and I knew I needed a top 10, and I pulled it off.

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