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September 19, 2015
St. Leon-Rot, Germany
MODERATOR: First of all, happy birthday, Melissa. What a day. Where is this round in terms of birthdays?
MELISSA REID: Yeah, pretty up there, to be honest. It's just the greatest day of my parents' life.
Obviously it was great to get out there this morning. We wanted to make birdie on 18, which we did. And then obviously to play with Carlota and win, this morning, as well, was incredible.
MODERATOR: And what was the atmosphere out there like?
MELISSA REID: It was good. It was very loud out there, which is huge for us. We wanted the crowd to be loud. They were a huge influence on us, really gets us going. And the grandstands are amazing. You want to hole putts around that grandstand because it just makes it so loud. You can hear cheers from all over the golf course. The crowd has been amazing.
Q. You came in saying that you wanted to create memories in Germany. You've certainly done that. I wonder how emotional has it been?
MELISSA REID: Yeah, I mean, I've just been pulled away and I'm with my family. They're all just -- I can just tell that it's completely different. Like everyone now is really, really excited, and everyone is enjoying themselves. My dad is, my brother, my sister, everybody is. It's very important for me that I got as many memories of my family as possible. These are a new memories.
This is so far much more successful personally to me of a Solheim Cup than it was in Killeen, obviously winning two and a half points out of three. Yeah, I mean, so far it's been an incredible week, and we want to finish off tomorrow. So far I've definitely got good memories now.
Q. Happy birthday, first of all.
MELISSA REID: Thank you.
Q. On this big day, what is the most memorable thing that's happened to you today out of all the excitement from this morning on through to now?
MELISSA REID: I think the birdie this morning. That was really tough. I hit a good drive and then I just went to cut a 3-iron, I had about 182. I cut a 3-iron in there. I put it to about 12 foot. And then obviously Lexi, being Lexi, knocked it inside me. But to hole that put in front of everybody. We wanted to make birdie, wanted to give ourselves a chance this morning. If not, we wanted to make the half. That was by far my best memory of birthday, Solheim Cup, that was the moment, was holing that putt this morning.
Q. Can you tell us what time the alarm went off this morning, and talk us through the other game you played?
MELISSA REID: It went off at 5:00 this morning. I got up at 5:00. Obviously we had breakfast together. Didn't have that much of a warmup this morning. I thought I was going to hit driver, 6-iron. I didn't think I was going to hit driver, 3-iron. Lots of drivers, lots of 6-irons. Obviously birdied 18, and had a little bit more breakfast.
And then me and Carlota just -- we gel. She gets really up for things. We kind of both have a bit -- my friends described it as a football mentality. We kind of get up for things. It's very important that if something doesn't go right, that you're still like, come on, mate, we can do this. And she's fantastic for that. And obviously she's an incredible player. And she's got a lot of flare, a lot of feel. I really, really enjoyed playing with her. I've known her for years and she's a good friend of mine. Yeah, we kind of bounce off each other, I guess.
Q. Birthday gifts?
MELISSA REID: I had all my gifts early. I'm really impatient and I didn't want to wait, because I've been away from home for two weeks. My sister got me a ring, this one. I think my dad has no idea it's my birthday yet. I'm still waiting for him to say happy birthday to me. I've had a couple of gifts, which has been nice.
Q. You're probably pretty tired. You wanted to play again this afternoon, didn't you?
MELISSA REID: They asked me yesterday if I wanted to rest and I said no. Obviously it would have been nice to play all five games, but, this week isn't just about, you know -- obviously I want to play all five games, but I want to be ready for tomorrow.
This is my time with my family, as well. If there was one afternoon I was going to have off, I would have preferred it today, being my birthday, and it was important to spend time with my family this week, as well. I discussed it with Carin and Annika and Maria and Sophie, and said if you want to rest me, I would prefer it to be on Saturday afternoon.
We had a long day yesterday, and I knew it was going to be nice out today. I just wanted to spend the afternoon with my family.
Q. Could you just talk us playing through your last hole this afternoon?
Q. Yes.
MELISSA REID: Yeah, I mean, Michelle actually hit a good shot there. It was kind of lucky to stay up on the top on the right there. I just said to Carlota, just hit it left, just anywhere left.
I think she was trying to cut in a 7-iron, but she drew it. And literally the pin was hanging off like a slope. I knew if I hit it a couple of feet past, it had the potential for like a 30-yard putt, 30-yard chip, even.
We were 3-up with four to play. I knew that we needed to just cozy our way in. We had a good birdie chance potential on 16.
Michelle had a difficult putt there. I knew it was a little bit left to right. I said to Carlota, just make her putt it and see. She missed it. It was great for us to win, but you don't really want to win a match on a three-putt. But we just didn't make any mistakes coming in.
Q. Were you surprised not to play with Charley again in the foursomes after yesterday? What did you make of her performance?
MELISSA REID: Not really. I mean, obviously I would have played with Charley, she's a great girl. And we did really well yesterday. And we've kind of played, me and Charley quite a bit. But we also played me and Carlota. We played together on Thursday and we just gelled really well. I think we only played four or five holes, but you could see the chemistry already.
So I just -- I think we kind of made another option for Carin to have us as foursomes. It's nice to have a variation, I guess. Yeah, Charley and Suzann played great. To go from 4-down to win a match was -- took steel really. Full credit to both of them. If you want someone to hole a 15-foot putt or 10-foot putt, whatever it was, you want it to be Suzann. They both played incredible and a huge, huge point for us.
Q. Solheim Cup wouldn't be the Solheim Cup without a bit of needling. There were some words exchanged between the U.S. captain and Annika. Do you want to shed any light?
MELISSA REID: No. That was a good try, though.
Q. (Inaudible.)
MELISSA REID: I was aware of it, but I actually don't know what went on. I literally went in the team room, had some food. I don't know what was going on. I'm trying to find out as much as you guys.
Q. The spirit between the teams has been good?
MELISSA REID: I think it's been fine. Juli has been incredible with us, the players. She's come out to us on the tee and said have a great game. She's been very complimentary personally. I know that Carin has been complimentary to the U.S. Team. You know, from my point of view, there's not been anything at all.
MODERATOR: Thank you very much. Go and enjoy the rest of your birthday.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
