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September 18, 2015

Kevin Na

Lake Forest, Illinois

Q. Kevin Na, you came into this week just outside the top 30 in the FedExCup standings, but you've posted 65-66 to go 11-under through 36 holes. That's almost ideal, isn't it?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, it's the start I needed. I'm a little behind the game right now. I was ahead of the game all year, even in the first Playoff, and obviously a little bad second Playoff event and you drop way down. That's the way it is in the Playoffs. Two more good days, and I'll get to the TOUR Championship.

Q. Given that getting through to the TOUR Championship solidifies so much for the following year, is that absolutely the goal every single year?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, when you play Kapalua and you play the TOUR Championship in Atlanta, you've had a good year. You know, it's not easy. Obviously it's a long year. I've been playing well this year. I'd like to get back. It's a big deal because you get in all the majors regardless of where your World Ranking is. I am exempt in the Masters, but it would still be nice to get to the TOUR Championship.

Q. Jason Day has been going off like a firecracker again this week. He's been in breathtaking form over the last couple of months, but your play has been very good, as well. Why have you played so well this week?
KEVIN NA: You know, the last couple months my putter has been kind of cold, and I seemed to kind of find my form with the putter over the last couple days, and if I can keep this going, it would be nice.

Q. After opening with a bogey, all birdies and pars the rest of the way, Kevin. How were you able to steady the ship after that first hole?
KEVIN NA: It was nice to hit that next shot on the par-3 real close to get a nice bounce back. I putted great the first two days. My putter has been kind of cold the last couple months, and I seem to have kind of found my form the first two days.

Q. What was the mentality today, completely different golf course, soggy, ball in hand. What was your approach?
KEVIN NA: I felt like the scores were going to be pretty low with the soft greens. I played really well. You can fire at some pins, but at the same time you've got to worry about the ball spinning back too much. But overall the course was gettable.

Q. What's been clicking this week? You said you've had some struggles the past month or two, seems like it's coming together so far?
KEVIN NA: It was definitely the putter. The putter has been kind of cold. I've been talking to it a little bit, and it's been showing up the first couple days. Hopefully it shows up on the weekend.

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