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September 9, 2015
New York, NY, USA
F. PENNETTA/P. Kvitova
4-6, 6-4, 6-2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Did you have some injury that we saw?
Q. Not at all? No, honestly.
.PETRA KVITOVA: No, no injury.
Q. But you had something wrapped up.
Q. Your leg. At the end of the second set you seemed to be a little tired.
PETRA KVITOVA: I am tired. (Smiling.)
What you saw on my leg, it's from the first match already. It was just protection. It wasn't really nothing serious.
I think just from the beginning of the match I didn't really feel 100% ready today. I'm just glad that I left everything what I could today. I suffered a lot, but I'm still here. That's good.
Q. Did you suffer because of the heat or something else?
PETRA KVITOVA: Probably. Yeah, I was kind of hot out there today. But my energy-wise wasn't probably the best today, as well.
Q. Do you have explanation for the fact that on the first set nine games out of ten were won when you were playing on the shadow, and one the sun -- only one and you won the first set because you won one game against the sun. In the second set this completely changed. I mean, five games won in the sun, five in the shade. Did you change the situation completely or you just get adjusted to the situation?
PETRA KVITOVA: Yeah, I think that both of us, we just need some time to get used to the shades over there. It's not very nice when you're playing out there. Of course you're feeling much more better if you are in the shades. You're just feeling a little bit like cooler.
But when you see the ball it's kind of a little bit tricky because you really don't see as well as you normally do. That's why probably we were kind of suffering from the first set. But then probably we just get used to when it was -- just doesn't matter if it's the shades there or no.
Q. Do you feel like you played the best game that you could play today? I think I heard you sort of say that before that you played well, but she was just the better player today. Is that how you feel?
PETRA KVITOVA: I think I should a little bit serve better, but on the other side, I think that she returned very well. I made a lot of double faults today, and it was just presents to give her.
On the other side, I mean, if I am not really counting the serves sometimes, I left everything what I could today, s I said already, and she didn't miss at all. She was very consistent player. She moves very well, and it was tough to have any winners and everything.
So, yeah.
Q. Quarterfinals is your best final here, but certainly to the level you have achieved at the other Grand Slams. Is it a bit frustrating you haven't been able to get beyond this point and maybe get to the semis or the finals?
PETRA KVITOVA: Yeah, of course. I'm disappointing that I lost today for sure, but on the other side, I think I have a lot of positive things to take from the tournament.
You know, it wasn't really easy situation. I'm just very -- I'm kind of proud of myself how I played here, anyway. I didn't really practice that much before. Everything was just like puzzles to take it together somehow and just take it together somehow and everything.
Of course, I wish to play tomorrow semifinal, but on the other side is good.
Q. The third set, do you think it's normal fatigue or do you think it is from your asthma?
PETRA KVITOVA: I think I never have the explanation for that. I mean, you never know what is it. I just know that from the first point I don't really feel like energy level great.
Really tough to say. I think it was kind of combination of everything.
Q. There was a heat policy today or not? You stopped at eight minutes...
PETRA KVITOVA: I don't know. They didn't tell us.
Q. They didn't tell you anything about that?
PETRA KVITOVA: No, so probably not.
Q. I saw at the end you were nice to Flavia and you embrace each other. Do you know each other well? Are you friends in a way or not? She's eight years older than you, so, I mean, I don't know.
PETRA KVITOVA: I think the age doesn't matter. I know her long time, of course, on the tour. We meet each other very often. She's very nice person and I like her.
I mean, she's a good, I don't know to say good friend, but for sure nice person, as I said. I just wished her best of luck. She really deserved to win today. I just felt it like that. So that's why.
Q. Nice of you. Of course you probably don't care very much who is going to win next match, but do you see Flavia has more chances in your opinion versus Halep eventually or versus Azarenka in terms of technical abilities or situation?
PETRA KVITOVA: Tough to say. I think either if she gonna play Azarenka or Halep, I think both of them playing very consistently. I think very similar game as Flavia has.
Difficult to say. I mean, for sure it's going to be a lot about the physical side kind of and who gonna serve probably better.
Q. Was it more difficult to wake up this morning than it was other days?
PETRA KVITOVA: A little bit. (Smiling.) Actually, I couldn't fall asleep last night, so it was kind of difficult anyway.
Yeah, when I heard my alarm I didn't want to wake up. Yeah, I'm kind of sleepy right now, as well. I'm okay. It's fine.
Q. And you mentioned before that there were positives to take out of this tournament. Can you be a little more specific? What positives do you take out of it?
PETRA KVITOVA: I think the positive things, for sure, it's kind of in the mind that even I wasn't 100% ready, my body wasn't really ready, I was still able to play really good tennis.
Which I know in the past, as well, that if I feel kind of suffering with some injuries or something I was still able to play good, so that's nice to have it back, for sure.
Another positive is that a played a lot of matches, as well. It's great to have it, because last couple of months I didn't really have that many. I mean, I played French Open and Wimbledon, so it was kind of difficult time.
And I'm looking forward for the next matches again.
Q. Just wondering how is your body holding up right now after this long, exhausting, really hot summer in North America? Do you think you will be fully recovered to play in Wuhan and Beijing?
PETRA KVITOVA: I wish so, for sure. I mean, I really don't know. I'm coming back to make some blood test how is it everything looking right now. Now I'm feeling really exhausted, so I'm really glad I can sit now.
But I have really no idea. I gonna talk with the doctors again and see how everything is working, but if I'm okay I will come there, for sure.
Q. How much attention do you think you'll pay to the rest of the tournament here?
PETRA KVITOVA: I think it's not that much because it's only two matches, so I think it's fine.
I have no idea. Normally when I lost I really don't care about the others, how the tournament is going to continue. I will see. I have no idea.
Q. Would you be surprised at this point if Serena Williams did not win the title?
PETRA KVITOVA: Yes. (Smiling.)
Q. Is there anything in your mind that could prevent that from happening, either because the players who are left or any other reason?
PETRA KVITOVA: Of course it's still great players playing, two of them right now. But I think I saw the match Serena played yesterday with Venus, and I just felt that she's more focusing than she did before, the matches before, and I think that she's kind of the player who with the tournament she's playing better and better every match.
So I think that if she gonna be in the final, I think she gonna put everything what she has inside and she gonna win it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
