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August 29, 2015

Lucie Safarova


P. KVITOVA/L. Safarova
6‑7, 6‑2, 6‑2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What makes her so difficult to play against?
LUCIE SAFAROVA: Well, she's a big hitter. She's putting a lot of pressure on you. Serving really big. It's hard to kind of break into her serve. It puts extra pressure on your serve.
She was just going for it today, striking it well. I mean, we had a great first set. Then I did couple mistakes. Especially my serve went down little bit. She just took the opportunity.

Q. What was working for you in the first set?
LUCIE SAFAROVA: I think it was my serve that was working, so I was kind of holding with her the level, was striking very well from both sides. Was very close. Had a great ending in the tiebreak.
Then my level dropped little bit. She just was the more stable one today.

Q. Do you feel anything in particular changed on your serve?
LUCIE SAFAROVA: Maybe I got a little tired, yeah.

Q. When you had the one breakpoint, was her serve just on today?
LUCIE SAFAROVA: I guess so, yeah. I felt it was on.

Q. Petra said it's hard to put your friendship aside sometimes, if you make a mistake or she makes a mistake. Is it the same for you?
LUCIE SAFAROVA: Yeah, yeah. We know each other so well. Obviously training in the same club, playing all those Fed Cups, traveling on the tournaments. It's never nice to face a friend.
But it's a game. We both want to win. We are both out there. But it's not a nice feeling.

Q. What about the coordinating outfits?
LUCIE SAFAROVA: Well, the Nike family (laughter). Both lefties, all the same. It felt like playing a Fed Cup actually, just against each other.

Q. Can you talk about going into your next match.
LUCIE SAFAROVA: We play on Tuesday. I mean, we played just here, so I guess we both know what to expect from each other. Yeah, I got the win here. I hope to be more confident there, to win the match obviously.

Q. Did this tournament give you what you expected from it?
LUCIE SAFAROVA: Yeah. I mean, I really enjoyed the week. It was a fun week here. I got plenty of matches, plenty of hours on the court, which helps for the Open hopefully.
Yeah, let's transfer it there.

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