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August 22, 2015

Alena Sharp

Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

Q. That last putt --
ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I thought it was going to go in. Would have been nice to make a bomb.

Q. Overall, happy with the round today?
ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I had a lot of good opportunities. I just didn't make putts. I found the pins were pretty tough. I was above some of them today. It was hard to stop it below it. You had to just tap it down there and hope it's on the right line. I just didn't get it started on my line the way I wanted to on some of the putts, but other than that, yeah, it was a really good round. I played solid all day.

Q. What about tomorrow, how does it set you up for tomorrow?
ALENA SHARP: I didn't even look at the scoreboard. I just want to go out and have a good Sunday here. I have no idea where I'm at. But you know, 68 or 67 tomorrow would be nice.

Q. How tough are the greens out there as the week's gone on?
ALENA SHARP: I think some of the pins are just tucked today, so it's hard to get at them. If you're in the rough, you can't really be aggressive. There was a couple times just, just in the rough, and it was like, okay, well, got to go left of it. I can't go at it. I had wedge in my hand but I couldn't really be aggressive.

So driving it tomorrow better would be helpful. But the greens are definitely firming up, and when they tuck the pins, it's tough to get at them.

Q. How was the crowd out there today?
ALENA SHARP: I think it's shaping up to have a nice crowd. Not as big as the last two days because Brooke was behind me but lots of people out on every hole, so it's nice to see that.

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