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August 21, 2015
Q. Good round for you. Now you're the clubhouse leader. Came in the lead last night you're going into tomorrow with the lead. How does that feel with you?
TOM HOGE: Feels good. Right where I want to be. Played well two days. Got off to a slow start today and was a couple over early. Nice to make a few birdies, get back down at the turn and make a few putts coming in.
Q. Your first front-9, even, no birdies at all. What was the change for you on the back?
TOM HOGE: I got some bogies early. I was actually 2-over for five, six holes. Slow start but made a few birdies and got going there on 15 and 17. Nice to turn at even par and then just made a few putts on the front. Nice to just keep it going forward and 11-under for two rounds.
Q. Looks like you're starting to feel comfortable in this position at the top. Going into the weekend, how does that feel?
TOM HOGE: We'll see what it's like tomorrow. Obviously a new position for me. First time lead. I'm just trying to put four good rounds together here this week and see where it falls, tries to keep my card for next year and make The Playoffs. See where it puts me.
Q. With the field as good as it is this week, to be in the lead, that's got to be a big boost to your confidence.
TOM HOGE: Definitely. We'll see how the guys play this afternoon. It was playing harder today with the wind up, everything. I think Brandt shot 61. Good scores. I know I got to play well the next two days.
Q. Do you feel like you've done enough to at least not keep the lead but still be up there?
TOM HOGE: It will be close by the end of the day. I don't know if I'll be leading or not. I'm in good shape. If I go play good golf for two more days I'll have a good shot on Sunday.
Q. Tom, nice birdie at the last, the 9th. In the house with the lead right now, 11-under par. You got off to a little struggle today. I think it was tough early.
You were a couple over-par on your first five. Did you give yourself a little pep talk there?
TOM HOGE: Little bit. I knew I was playing well. Hung in there at the turn. Missed a short putt on 12, par 3, then mud ball on 14. But I just got to go in there. 15 I made a birdie. 17, I birdied. Made a few putts coming in.
Q. 5-under the rest of the way. How much did you look up at the leaderboard today?
TOM HOGE: Little bit. Nobody was going anywhere. Obviously a lot harder today. Playing the ball down and the wind was up a little bit. Kind of nice. Two more days, hopefully, and get the putts going in.
Q. How much tougher were the course conditions today? I know the wind kicked up for you guys. Obviously a big difference playing it down.
TOM HOGE: Exactly. On 14 I hit a good drive. Yesterday I was downwind, tees were up, hit a 7-iron. Today I hit a 4-iron with mud on the ball. That hole is kind of a good example. Held the ball in your hand, obviously you have a lot more control. Playing a little bit more difficult.
Q. Final thoughts as you head into the weekend.
TOM HOGE: Yeah, I'm excited. New position for me being in the lead. See what happens but hopefully put together two more good rounds.
Q. Well done. See you tomorrow.
TOM HOGE: Thank you. Appreciate it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports