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July 26, 2015

Colin Montgomerie


Q. You played last night, you parred every hole today. What's your verdict on that third round?
COLIN MONTGOMERIE: It was good. Obviously the start was fantastic. I had to get a good start. I was two behind and I had to make a move and make my presence known on the leaderboard, really, which was good. Disappointing this morning. I played quite well this morning but nothing really happened. The putt on the last, still don't know how that -- the pace it was going, coming in from the right, I don't know how that lipped-out. And I missed one on 14 for birdie and one at 12. So disappointing, really, not to make any birdies this morning, to make any inroads, but still leading and my goal at the start of the week was to be in contention Saturday night. It might be Sunday morning after three days, but what can you do.

Q. Another long day today. How are the energy levels?
COLIN MONTGOMERIE: There's a lot to play for here, a lot to play for. Me probably more than most; I know where The Open Championship is played next year and I've got a lot to play for. Energy levels are not a problem, not an issue at all. Just have to hold off some very good players behind: The Couples, the Jimenez', the Langers of the world, and of course Marco Dawson in the lead. It will be an interesting last round.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
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