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June 30, 2015

Patrick Reed


THE MODERATOR: We'd like to welcome Patrick Reed. You're going to make your third start here at the Greenbrier Classic; you're No. 7 the in Fed Cup standings. Talk about your thoughts on the season coming into this week as we start gearing up for the Fed Cup playoffs.

PATRICK REED: I feel like my game is in the right place. Feel like I'm hitting the ball solid; feel like I'm rolling the ball well. I need to have everything click at the same time. Seems like this year so far one thing has been off here or there, which has caused me to have top 25s that should have been Top 10s, Top 10s that should've had a little bit more chance to win coming down the stretch.

THE MODERATOR: And then also, as you may know, Lee Trevino is getting ready to become the third pro emeritus here at the Greenbrier, joining Sam Snead and Tom Watson. You've kind of formed a friendship with him over the last couple years. Go into detail on how you met, what kind of relationship you have, and your thoughts on him becoming the third emeritus here.

PATRICK REED: Well, the director of golf at The Woodlands where I practice actually worked for Lee and was really close with him. When they had the Senior Tour out there at the Woodlands one year I went out and got introduced to Lee. We hit it off. Just sat there all morning during breakfast and listened to him tell stories. Came out on the back of the range, saw me hitting some shots, started helping me out a little bit, and from there just grew into a great relationship. It's awesome to have him be honored at such an awesome event and on the PGA Tour. I can't wait to talk to him about it and see him.

Q. You play with a tremendous amount confidence. With all the bull crap or controversy around you, how did you block all that stuff out? You're a pretty steady player for the most part.
PATRICK REED: The main thing for me is whatever gets written or said, at the end of the day, to me, that doesn't matter as much as just focusing on what I need to do: that's to play golf. If I'm playing well, that will take care of everything else. For us, it's still a job. We have to go out and provide for our families and play some good golf. I think I've put in the effort and a lot of the hard work, and I'm still working really hard at it. Hopefully keep on getting better and better.

Q. Brother-in-law or Justine caddying for you?
PATRICK REED: Brother-in-law. He will probably be on the bag the rest of the year, maybe next year. We just have to wait and see. Whenever Justine says she's ready to come back, she'll come back. Her brother-in-law knows that, so hopefully she comes back sometime soon. I'd like to have her on the bag for an event or two here and there.

Q. Now, when you qualified on four Monday qualifiers I think in 2012...

Q. Well, yeah, right. You were four for five coming to this one. I was trying to remember.
PATRICK REED: Yeah, I missed this one.

Q. Right. Is it easy to put it behind you when you weren't getting sponsor exemptions and things that probably a lot of people thought should've come with those Monday qualifiers?
PATRICK REED: Yeah, it's one of those things that tournament directors get thousands of letters from all different players wanting an exemption, a spot. He has a very few he can select. There are a lot of great players out there. It's hard to really hard to say who should get a spot and who shouldn't. I thought the easiest way is to go out try to earn your spot Monday. Then you're in the event. You don't have to wait for an exemption or worry about someone picking you as an exemption. Our whole thing was to go out, and once we played our first event, played pretty solid at Valero, and then went to Zurich to do the Monday there. I had that confidence and belief that I can play out here because I made the cut and played pretty solid the first time I played. So took that kind of mindset into the Mondays and happened to work. Interesting thing is the two Mondays I didn't qualify for I had practice rounds at. The six for six that I qualified for I went in blind, so obviously I shouldn't have come early and seen the golf course before I played here.

Q. Did you have any idea that you would come on tour and in four years win four times, 9 million bucks. That's a pretty good start. You're a confident guy, but that's pretty strong stuff right out of the gate.
PATRICK REED: Yeah, if you were going to tell me I would turn pro in 2011 and by this time I would have four wins, you know, it's hard to really believe. I was hoping to get "a" win by this point. To come out and win in my first season out and then to have the kind of year I had last year and start off the year I did this year, just shows that what I'm working on to working. Just stick with it, keep working hard and fine tune everything so hopefully these four wins turns into a bigger number, and hopefully during the majors I can get in contention.

Q. On this golf course, does your game fit this place you feel like? You missed the cut the first time you were here and I think T26, 5-under last year. Not bad, but you know you got to make a bunch birdies here to have a shot.
PATRICK REED: Yeah, for sure. The first year I missed the cut because when we got here all the players and everything were saying, You have to do the festivities. They're a lot of fun. So we went kayaking and things, and it kind of took away from the golf. Didn't focus and have my mind on golf. Last year I felt like I played pretty solid. I just didn't make any putts. Couple loose shots here and there. I feel like now I'm a totally different player than I was last year. I feel like I am playing better. I am hitting it a little bit more solid. In a little bit more control of my golf game. I feel like the course fits my eye. I just feel like I need to go out there and stick to my game plan and hopefully hit the ball solid and roll some putts in.

Q. Where does this extreme confidence that you have, a great trait, where does that come from? Is that something you've always had as a kid growing up or what?
PATRICK REED: I think it was when I was younger I played in an age group up, you know, so I wasn't ever winning when I was 13, 14, 15 because I was playing against the older kids. When you're that young a year makes a huge difference because they think it a lot farther just because you grow. I was getting my butt kicked nonstop. I hated to lose. Then I won my first I realized I was a guy who could do it. Now I feel like once you get to college, all the guys -- you're done growing and not going to hit it any farther unless you're doing extra thing. Then it started turning into a level playing field, and I was able to compete. I seemed to be pretty good.
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