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June 23, 2015
7‑6, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Slightly happier person than when I saw you in Birmingham. Talk about how you feel with this win under your belt.
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: Yeah, it was a tough battle. She plays good tennis, especially on grass. So I knew to be prepared for a really tough match. I'm happy I was able to stay with her when it was tough in that first set and just kind of fight it out.
You know, that's what I want to do in all my matches, just keep fighting no matter what.
Q. Do you feel now something is beginning to click with the grass court season?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I just want to take it one match at a time. I felt good with my game today, happy with the way I fought. I just want to keep going, take another step tomorrow. Regardless of the outcome, I just want to do the right thing tomorrow.
Q. How tough has it been the past few months? You said you learned quite a lot about yourself and about life. How tough has it been in that sense?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: It has been tough. It's been a learning experience. I have had to learn to be patient and to, you know, understand that there are ups and downs in lives and in tennis, and, you know, to keep working and keep believing what I do no matter what and to know there is light of the end of the tunnel.
That's what I have been doing, putting my head down and working and knowing at some point it will turn around.
Q. Do you have some happy memories from here, Wimbledon last year, or is it because people expect things from you it's a little bit of a hindrance?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: Well, I mean, for the past year all I have been asked about is Wimbledon last year, so, you know, it was a great memory and everything, but I don't really want to focus on it.
You know, it gave me a good experience, but besides that, it can't help me in my next match or my first match at Wimbledon. So of course, you know, going to Wimbledon I will have amazing memories, and just being on grass makes me happy. So I just try to enjoy it a little bit more because of that.
Q. Have you looked at any of the videos? Would you do that from last year? Just to remember, remind yourself how well you played?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I have. Yeah, I was playing really good tennis, and I have definitely looked back on some videos, some good matches I played just to see, you know, some good things that I was doing and try, you know, not to lose that and keep that aggressivity and things like that. I'm working on things like that.
Q. Your forehand, it's a thing of great beauty and power when it works and sometimes it's a thing of weakness. Today did you try and control it a little bit more? Do you say to yourself, Just hit it, keep hitting it?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I mean, my general game is trying to be aggressive. I feel like I have gone away from that in recent months. That hasn't helped me.
So, you know, I want to go back to stepping in, taking the ball early, doing what I do well. That's how I'm trying to play now and keep moving forward, especially on the grass. You know, try to go to the net if I can.
I think I was successful today when I went to the net a couple of times. I want to keep that going.
Q. Why do you think that happened that you went away from your natural game?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I think just trying to change a few things in my game, trying to put more spin on the ball, trying to gain consistency, things like that.
But I want to have that, as well. So it's just a balance. I think still keeping the general mindset of being super aggressive is what helps me the most.
Q. You had a great 5‑2 point, I think it was. You had to defend and you won it. Is that the sort of point that can turn things around towards the end of the match when you served out? Those are the points where you started really playing or feeling as well as you did?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: Yeah, those points are just as important if not more than, you know, the perfect, beautiful point you play with a great serve and a great forehand to kind of just win it even if it's ugly or you're grinding or you're just getting any ball back to try to win.
It's a real fight. Those are points that, you know, I take no matter what and they give me confidence.
Q. Do you feel a sense of relief now? Are you looking forward to the next game slightly more?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I'm happy with today. I wouldn't say relief, but I feel like I played the right way to deserve to get the victory.
I'm really excited for tomorrow just to play another match. I will play more than one match this week, so it's a really good thing (smiling).
I just want to play as well as I can, just play some good tennis and we will see what happens.
Q. Would it be too simple to say you took success for granted?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I don't think I took it for granted. At the time I was very in the moment and just focused on each match, believed in myself so much that I expected great results.
So coming into this year I tried not to think about last year, but of course I still felt a little bit of that pressure and realized great results are not going to come every single week.
It's just about learning that most weeks in tennis you are going to lose a match, and so it's just about, you know, understanding you have ups‑and‑downs as well, you know, and just to keep working hard and believing you can be really good.
Q. You come through it stronger?
Q. Is that something you learned on your own or have you been getting advice from other people?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: No, I have learned it on my own. Yeah, I have learned about being patient, like I said.
You know, things are not always going to be perfect and great even though I want them to be. I just have to keep working, keep working, keep working, and just trying to get better. No matter what the result is in any given week, I want to make sure I at least do the right thing. That's what I will try to do tomorrow.
Q. What is in that glass?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: It looks really gross, I know.
Q. Does it honestly taste better than it looks?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: It does. My coach made it so there is probably some crazy stuff in there. I don't know what's in there.
Q. Isn't that kind of taking a risk, not knowing what's in it?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: A little bit, but I trust him.
Q. You changed your coach. Was that part of the consistency factor?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: Of trying to be more consistent?
Q. Yeah.
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: A little bit, yeah. It was definitely something we wanted to work on. It's important, you know, to be able to trust your shots in those big points, but at the same time, I still want to be aggressive and go for it.
I'm just trying to learn that balance.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports