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June 16, 2015

Naomi Broady


S. HALEP/N. Broady
6‑4, 6‑2

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  Did you learn anything from the match playing someone like that?
NAOMI BROADY:  Yeah, went onto the court imagining it would be a similar game it when I played Wozniacki at Wimbledon last year.  They're both quick players around the court.
I think overall I got the same amount of games as I did against Wozniacki, but the first set was much closer.  I had a few chances.  Disappointed I didn't manage to get the first set at least, if not the match.
But she's ranked No. 3 in the world for a reason, so I obviously can't be too disappoint that I lost the match.

Q.  Taking the tournament as whole, have you exceeded your expectations this week?
NAOMI BROADY:  I always come into the grass quite open.  I don't look at the girls' rankings too much.  I know them from juniors a lot as well, so it's not like I'm walking on to the court saying, Oh, she's ranked 40 in the world; oh, she's ranked 3 in the world.  I know them from before, so that maybe hems me a bit as well.
Like I said yesterday, if I serve well I can compete with anyone.  I think I showed that today having a 6‑4 set with No. 3 in the world.
So, yeah, just take confidence from it.

Q.  One more from me.  My photographer said he got a nice shot of a B on the back of your...  Is that a recent thing?
NAOMI BROADY:  No, it's really old new but no one ever sees it.  It's B for Broady.  I was going to get writing that meant family or something like that, but I decided that you had didn't trust the tattoo artist to do Chinese writing right.
Might have like egg fried rice on my neck, so I went for a nice simple B.

Q.  And that's it?  You're not going to have any more?
NAOMI BROADY:  Not for now.

Q.  What can you learn from being out there today, aside from perhaps a disappointing second set where it got away from you a little bit?
NAOMI BROADY:  There is always so much still for me it work on in my game.  Obviously consistency and movement are the big ones.  Keep working on my serve as well.  It's easy to focus on your less good points of your game and say you need to improve them.
But if you keep on improving your good points in your game as well, it makes life a lot easier.

Q.  Can you take more away from games like this?  I am sure you're not studying them when you're on court, but when you watch it back at all can you take pointers of what they've done against you to then help you improve?
NAOMI BROADY:  Yeah, definitely.  It's quite nice when I play at this level that our matches are recorded.  Quite often during the year we don't even have records of our matches.
Sometimes if I am by myself at a tournament that the biggest issue with not being able to afford to travel with a coach, because you don't often get feedback from outside of the court, which like you say, if you watch yourself back you can learn a lot for more from it.
I've not watched yesterday's match yet either, but I will go and get those and watch them back.  Yeah, and like you say, you can learn a lot from watching yourself outside of the court.

Q.  That the plan for the rest of week then?
NAOMI BROADY:  Yeah, I think the wildcards are released tomorrow for Wimbledon, so depending on how that goes I will decide if I'll go to Eastbourne or not and, yeah, hopefully get some more matches on the grass.

Q.  Why would it depend on the wildcards whether you go to Eastbourne?
NAOMI BROADY:  I think Eastbourne overlaps Wimbledon qualifiers, so you can only win so many matches at Eastbourne.  Then you have to decide if you're going to go there if you're going to commit to the tournament or if you would rather just go to Wimbledon.

Q.  If you get a wildcard you will play Eastbourne?
NAOMI BROADY:  Yeah, if I have a wildcard for Wimbledon main draw I will play Eastbourne.

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