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May 24, 2015
G. MUGURUZA/P. Martic 6-2, 7-5 An interview with: GARBINE MUGURUZA
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. I have to ask about Camila. You lost to her two time in a row. How you can explain this? What do you don't like about her game? GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, first of all, I didn't know I was playing Camila, so... Yeah, I lost two times with her. Was a tough match. She has a very strong game, very explosive, so you never know how it's going to go the match. But just looking forward to play. Nothing else. Difficult. (Smiling.)
Q. How do you feel? Were you nervous at the beginning? Was some pressure on you because you did really well last year? GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, obviously I was really, really nervous. You know, the first match of the next year when you did a good tournament last year, you know, you feel a lot of pressure. So I'm just happy to win the match and to fight and not to be like block. You know, sometimes when you are too nervous you block yourself and you cannot play. I'm happy that this did not happen.
Q. According to your preparation, did you implement everything that you wanted to do today? GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah. Well, I knew how Martic was going to play. I know her game. So I just concentrate of doing my game, because I think was the right way of winning the match. So I didn't do anything special today. Just my game.
Q. I notice that your serve was really good. GARBINE MUGURUZA: Uh-huh.
Q. You were serving really consistent like. It's something you were working on or... GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, I mean, the serve for me is a big weapon because I'm a tall girl. I try always to serve strong and to try to win free points with the serve. I knew that today Petra serves so good also, so I knew that I have to keep my serve and don't lose this game. You know, I think it worked.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports