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May 29, 2015

Stan Wawrinka


S. WAWRINKA/S. Johnson
6-4, 6-3, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions in French.

Q. First set, 5-4, it felt like you decided it was time to play the break, and did you feel you were in control at that point and generally speaking today?
STAN WAWRINKA: Well, after the first set things went quite smoothly. I was a little nervous in the first set. I hesitated on a few points. I think I was sort of watching, because I didn't really know what to expect. The first game I could break, but then he played well. But I still felt confident. I think I served very well, and I was solid when I needed to. And later in the game I felt things were a little simpler. I was aggressive. I played heavy balls. And, yeah, that's it.

Q. Next match, Gilles Simon. You beat him three years ago. Do you remember? 2012?
STAN WAWRINKA: Oh, I sure do. Five sets, if I'm not mistaken. Three first sets were very tight, 7-5, 5-7, 6-7, yeah, something like that, and then 6-3, 6-2. Gilles is always a tough player. He's difficult to handle. You do not want to precipitate your game. You have to be aggressive and really catch opportunities when they're there. I think Gilles, his play will depend on me and on how I play. He tries to get you to come to the net, and you shouldn't. You shouldn't go when he wants you to go. You have to go when you want to do it yourself, when you feel like it. That makes a big difference.

Q. You managed to win 19 points net wins out of 22. Do you think that's a key to be successful this year in the tournament?
STAN WAWRINKA: It depends. For about a year now I have tried to play more aggressively and to be more self-confident, to finish and get points, and it has helped me. But again, my next opponent is a very good defender. Maybe attacking him can be a solution, but if I attack, it has to be at the right time. You never want to precipitate things. You do not want him -- I don't want him to impose his rhythm upon me.

Q. Only one set lost in three rounds. I guess that's pretty positive. Does that have an impact on the next round?
STAN WAWRINKA: I think it's good to move on to the next round without wasting too much energy. In terms of winning sets and games, I'm not sure. I'm happy about the fact I didn't spend too much energy so far. And I'm now looking, you know, to the next one. Nothing guarantees I will be successful in the next round. I just want to continue playing the way I have played so far and hopefully be successful.

Q. You're pretty used to playing French players. Is it special here with the Davis Cup?
STAN WAWRINKA: Well, it's special because it's here in Roland Garros. But Davis Cup, it's now behind us. When you're playing a French player here in Paris, they have their public to support them. I have played a lot of French players, and I have played Richard, I have played Gilles, and, you know, different stages in the tournament. And with the public it's always been good, always been great, and we have always really have had hard-fought battles. It's always a challenge to play French players in France.

Q. What do you think about the beginning of the season, the tournament of Timea? She was very impressive, and she's going to have a big match tomorrow against Madison Keys.
STAN WAWRINKA: She's been very impressive since the beginning of the season so far, and I have really enjoyed watching how good she was playing. I think the reason why she's been so successful lately is because she's done a lot of hard work. Not just recently, but she's done a lot of work over the past years. Little by little, she's made progress. She's really focused on her ball play. She's really rebuilt her house from scratch. She's become a very impressive player. Very much looking forward to the rest of her season. She started very well, as you said. You know, there will be ups, there will be some downs, and she has to really be strong to manage these downs, as well.
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