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June 3, 2015

Sara Errani


6‑1, 6‑3

THE MODERATOR:  Questions in English.

Q.  You had played Serena very closely in that Fed Cup match last month.  What was the difference today?  What did she do differently?
SARA ERRANI:  Well, I try to do the same, but of course the condition, everything, is different.  The ball, the court, the feeling.  I mean, I think that match I play really good, really with time to make the long points.
Today Serena, with these conditions, I think played much better, much stronger.  So was difficult for me to make the things that I normally want to do.

Q.  You have played Serena in many different settings.  What makes her particularly tough, say, in the second week of a Grand Slam?
SARA ERRANI:  Sorry?  What she make?

Q.  In the later part of a Grand Slam, quarterfinal or semifinal, how is Serena so tough in those matches?
SARA ERRANI:  Well, I don't know.  She already make some matches and you know that she want to win the slam, so of course she's very concentrate.  She's very focused.

Q.  Is it just a question of Serena's power that is the trouble, or do you think she is moving better on clay?  What is it about her game?
SARA ERRANI:  Well, the power is of course a big thing.  I mean, she has a lot of power in the serve.  She's serving so strong.  And then the baseline hitting so strong, so it's difficult to play.

Q.  Do you think you did what you set out to do, what you wanted to do today?
SARA ERRANI:  Well, not really.  I know what I would like to do.  I couldn't do what I would like to do.  I mean, I play too much shorter, too much in the middle.
I want to move more the ball, but today I couldn't.  So I didn't play my best match, for sure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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