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May 31, 2015

Shane Lowry


Q.  Ended the day with a birdie but I suppose ultimately the damage done on the front nine?
SHANE LOWRY:  When it's downhill from there‑‑ I mean, very tough out there today.  It was quite unenjoyable day to be honest.  I played okay.  Really struggled on the greens again.  So I'm going to have to go to the drawing board next week and get ready for the U.S. Open.

Q.  If you were to give yourself a mark out of ten, what would it be?
SHANE LOWRY:  Tee‑to‑green I think I was a good 7 to 8 out of ten but on the greens only 1 or 2.  That's where I felt, to be honest, I was right in the tournament until the 17th hole yesterday.  The way this morning has gone today I think 2‑ or 3‑under is probably going to win the tournament.  Tee‑to‑green I was good, and I really struggled on the greens.

Q.  How much are you looking forward to teeing it up at Chambers Bay for the U.S. Open?
SHANE LOWRY:  I'm playing well and I'm driving the ball as good as I ever have.  My iron play is good and in control.  As I said, I need to sort out my putting.
Very frustrating week.  Obviously there's a lot was documented about Friday and what happened and I came back and played my way back into the tournament yesterday afternoon and then lost it in kind of four holes to finish.
But I played good.  My long game was good enough to compete this week.  Just struggled on the greens.  Only thing really I could say is it's tough out there, from 15, 20 feet, I'm just trying to 2‑putt which is not really ideal.  That's the way my game was feeling.
But that's golf sometimes.  I just kind of have to go back to the drawing board now and get ready for the U.S. Open.

Q.  How enjoyable has it been to be part of this Irish Open and what the Rory Foundation have done this week, how would you sum that up?
SHANE LOWRY:  Yeah, it's great, big crowds all week.  Great tournament and would have been better if the weather had been nicer and we could see a few more birdies.  Rory's done a lot for the tournament.  Fair play to him.  He obviously gave up a lot of his time this week and it cost him in the end.
As players, I suppose we are grateful for that, and a World Ranking points and stuff at stake because of him this week, but unfortunately I didn't take any of them home with me.  A great week and great tournament yet again with the Irish Open.

Q.  Frustrations with your putting?
SHANE LOWRY:  To be honest I lost confidence early on in the week.  Best putting was probably with my wedge (laughing).  I just found them very hard to read.  I'm normally great on these greens.  I don't know what way they are or what the story is with them but I really, really struggled.  Yeah, there's nothing else to say really.

Q.  Did you find that once you got into the weekend it was a chance of working on things or did you realise you were too far from the top of the leaderboard?
SHANE LOWRY:  No, I think right until I was in the tournament with 22 holes to go I feel, and got a bad enough bounce on 15 yesterday and ended up making bogey and doubled 17 and thought that was me out of the tournament.  From there I was a bit deflated.
Going out today, I knew I could shoot a good score; if I could shoot level par today, I would move well up the leaderboard.  But got off to a bad start, lost a ball on the third and it wasn't ideal from there.  It was a bit of a grind and trying to get to 18 couldn't come quick enough really.

Q.  Good four days all around?
SHANE LOWRY:  Yeah, it has been.  I always get great support at The Irish Open.  Family and friends coming up from home and other Irish people, as well.  It's a great tournament to be a part of, and I'm lucky to have won one and hopefully I can come back next year to wherever we are and try and compete.

Q.  Looks like it could be parkland courses for the next two.  Would you have a preference between that or links golf?
SHANE LOWRY:  Not really.  If anything, this week is a bit tricky.  A few bad bounces here or there is the way links golf goes.  Maybe parkland rewards better golf.  So, I don't know really.

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