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May 24, 2015

Kevin Na


KEVIN NA:  You know, I got off to a really good start and I did everything right until 9.  You know, I think if that ball goes another yard, it's fine.  A little unlucky.  I went back and hit one more club and it was perfect.  The first club was a 9-iron and there was a lot more wind than I thought definitely up there.  And I hit it solid, it was just a little right.
The thing is, if it was even at the pin I think -- I mean, you're supposed to hit it, you know, 10 feet past the hole, and where my ball flew was pin high, which is not the right play.  You know, I went back and, like I said, I hit one more club, a little soft one more club and it was 10 feet past the hole, perfect where I needed to be.  So I got a little unlucky and a little miscue there with the club.
And then the back nine, I gave myself some chances to make birdie and I just made nothing, absolutely made nothing.  I mean, it just -- it was disgusting, how to misread it.  I actually hit a couple good putts that bumped offline and it just wasn't meant to be.

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