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May 23, 2015
Q. Talk today about your round. Very nice start. STEVE JONES: Yeah, that's what it was out here. I mean, you get off to a good start, it really helps. But kind of pooped out there at the end. Just couldn't quite make a couple short putts. And I had a couple opportunities, I could have done a little better, but overall I'm really satisfied.
Q. Do you feel like you've put yourself in a pretty good position to challenge for this thing tomorrow? STEVE JONES: Well, I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen today. These guys can shoot under par out there. I'm just trying to do it one day at that time. I got off to such a bad start with that cold Thursday morning that I'm just trying to work my way back to even par. And I got there. That was my goal after the first day.
Q. Anything spectacular in the early round? Any shot that kind of propelled you? STEVE JONES: Just I hit it close. I just kept hitting it close. I missed about a, I don't know, 15-footer on my, for my fourth birdie in a row. Then hit it three feet on the 6th hole or 5th hole, I guess it was, for my fourth birdie. So that's a good start.
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