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May 9, 2015

Kevin Na


Q. Talk through your round a little bit. Obviously a tough finish there. But talk about your position heading into tomorrow.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I got to think of the positive. I played well today. I hung in there. The good news is I'm only two back, so a low round tomorrow, post it early and sit in the clubhouse and watch.

Q. You've shot some really good round around this golf course, you contended here a couple of times. What is it about the golf course that fits your eye so well?
KEVIN NA: I don't know. I think it favors the right-to-left player and that's what I am. I draw the ball. Seems like I make a lot of putts out here, so that's two good things.

Q. What's your mindset heading into tomorrow?
KEVIN NA: Well, if I was going to give myself a number, I think 67 will seal the deal and I think 68's got a pretty darn good chance for a playoff.
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