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May 8, 2015

Kevin Na


Q. Talk about your comfort level at the beginning of the round and how it progressed through the round.
KEVIN NA: Well, I wasn't very comfortable after I made the bogey on the first hole, but I made a nice birdie putt on 2 and followed the one right after that one on 3. My putter was definitely there today. I made a lot of good putts, key par saves, and some good birdie putts. I felt like I hit a few loose ones out there just because I felt I was a little tired. I didn't get enough rest because I got done so late yesterday and had to come out in the morning. So I think the key is to get some good rest tonight and be ready tomorrow.

Q. As of right now the cut line, there's only eight strokes between --

Q. So what's your comfort level, 70 players within eight strokes?
KEVIN NA: Well, I actually saw that. Every year it seems like it's going to go over par and it never does. It might go 1-over, but I was talking to my caddie walking up 18 fairway and I said it's amazing how strong this field is and the cut is so bunched up with all the guys from the leader to the guy that just makes the cut. So it just shows you how strong the field is. It's a great tournament. Everyone has got a chance, the guys that tee it up, and just got to keep the foot on the pedal.
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