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April 26, 2015

Jason Day


Q.  All right, Jason, you said all week long heading into today it was going to be about patience, yet being aggressive.  How do you sort of assess another long day here in the final round?
JASON DAY:  Yeah.  It was right about 13 when I missed my wedge shot just short.  I started feeling it, I think all the early days and the hot days, and just the long days in general, kind of finally caught up to me.  I just started making a lot of mental errors, missing a lot of greens with wedges.  You're out there for 32 holes in the hot sun, it definitely starts to wear on you.
It was tough.  I played great all week, but this final round just had a lot of mental errors.

Q.  Despite sort of hitting that wall, a solid finish.  What are some of the positives you take forward?
JASON DAY:  Yeah, it was great.  Four rounds in the 60s which was nice.  Kind of ran into a Justin Rose train there.  The game feels good, you know.  Feels like it's gearing up towards Match Play.  Got another grueling week next week.  So I'm going to need some rest, but I'm overall very happy.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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